Abebe Yadessa
Abebe Yadessa
其他姓名Yadessa, A., Y Abebe
Researcher and Lecturer, Wollega University
在 wollegauniversity.edu.et 的电子邮件经过验证
Contribution of indigenous trees to soil properties: The case of scattered Cordia africana lam. Trees in croplands of western Oromia
A Yadessa, F Itanna, M Olsson
Ethiopian Journal of Natural Resources 3 (2), 245-270, 2001
Scattered trees as modifiers of agricultural landscapes: the role of waddeessa (Cordia africana Lam.) trees in Bako area, Oromia, Ethiopia
A Yadessa, F Itanna, M Olsson
African journal of ecology 47, 78-83, 2009
Evaluation of the contribution of scattered Cordia africana (Lam.) trees to soil properties in Cropland and Rangeland Ecosystems in western Oromia, Ethiopia
A Yadessa
Ethiopian MSc in Forestry Programme Thesis Works (Sweden), 1998
Growth performance of different multipurpose tree and shrub species at Bako, Western Oromia
A Yadessa, D Bekere, T Bekele
Nutrient Management for Improving Soil/Crop Productivity in Ethiopian …, 2000
Influence of soil properties on cup quality of wild Arabica coffee in coffee forest ecosystem of SW Ethiopia
A Yadessa, J Burkhardt, M Denich, T Woldemariam, E Bekele, ...
22nd International Conference on Coffee Science (ASIC), held between, 14-19, 2008
The major factors influencing coffee quality in Ethiopia: the case of wild Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) from its natural habitat of southwest and southeast afromontane …
A Yadessa, J Burkhardt, E Bekele, K Hundera, H Goldbach
African Journal of Plant Science 14 (6), 213-230, 2020
Effect of different indigenous shade trees on the quality of wild arabica coffee in the Afromontane rainforests of Ethiopia
A Yadessa, J Burkhardt, M Denich, T Woldemariam, E Bekele, ...
22nd International Conference on Coffee Science, ASIC, 1227-1233, 2008
The role of soil nutrient ratios in coffee quality: Their influence on bean size and cup quality in the natural coffee forest ecosystems of Ethiopia
Y Abebe, B Juergen, B Endashaw, H Kitessa, G Heiner
African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2090-2103, 2019
Influence of scattered Cordia africana trees on maize yield in western Oromia, Ethiopia
A Yadessa, D Bekere
Proc. 4th FSE conference, 91-98, 2002
Effect of biomass transfer of Cajanus cajan with or without inorganic fertilizer on BH 660 hybrid maize variety at Bako, Western Oromia, Ethiopia
A Yadessa, D Bekere
the sixth conference of Ethiopian society of soil sciences. Addis Ababa …, 2002
Influence of soil properties on bean quality of wild Coffea arabica in the natural coffee forests of southwest and southeast Ethiopia
A Yadessa, J Burkhardt, E Bekele, K Hundera, H Goldbach
Ethiopian Journal of Applied Science and Technology 11 (2), 23-38, 2020
Effects of Cajanus cajan biomass transfer and inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield of open pollinated maize variety on acidic nitosols of western Oromia, Ethiopia. In
A Yadessa, D Bekere, T Takele, N Emiru, A Degefe
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings 7, 1143-1148, 2005
Agroforestry-based maize production: Another option to sustain maize yields
A Yadessa, D Bekere, W Burayu, T Arficho, D Jiru
Enhancing the Contribution of Maize to Food Security in Ethiopia …, 2002
Determination of optimum nursery soil mixture and pot size for propagation of Leucaena pallida: A promising browse species at Bako
A Yadessa, D Bekere
Livestock in Food Security–Roles and Contributions, 235, 2001
Maize grain yield under taungya with different multipurpose trees at Bako
A Yadessa, D Bekere, T Bekele
Tenth Bi-annual Conference of Crop Science Society of Ethiopia, 2001
Effect of pot size and potting mixture on growth performance of Calliandra calothyrsus seedlings at Bako tree nursery
A Yadessa, D Bekere, A Adugna, E Oromia
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of Forestry Society of Ethiopia 14, 15, 2002
Sensory and bean characteristics of wild arabica coffee from Southeast Afromontane rainforests in Ethiopia.
A Yadessa, J Burkhardt, M Denich, E Bekele, T Woldemariam, ...
The Role of Scattered Agroforestry Trees in Soil Fertility Management in Ethiopia: Synopsis of Research Results on Indigenous Tree Species.
A Yadessa, T Woldemariam, M Adilo, S Tadesse
18th World Congress of Soil Sciences, 2006
Non-wood forest products: potentials and constraints in Bale, Southeast Ethiopia
M Didita, A Yadessa
Conservation of Genetic Resources of Non-Timber Forest Products in Ethiopia, 113, 2004
Maize grain yield under taungya system with different multipurpose trees at Bako, western Oromia
A Yadessa, D Bekere, T Bekele
Crop Science, 199, 2001
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