Darko Jekauc
Darko Jekauc
Professor for Health Education and Sport Psychology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
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Long-term health benefits of physical activity–a systematic review of longitudinal studies
M Reiner, N Christina, D Jekauc, A Woll
BMC Public Health 13 (1), 813, 2013
Motorik-Modul: eine Studie zur motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit und körperlich-sportlichen Aktivität von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland; Abschlussbericht zum …
K Bös, A Worth, E Opper, J Oberberger, N Romahn, M Wagner, D Jekauc, ...
Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009
Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of the compliance with the physical activity guidelines in children and adolescents in Germany
D Jekauc, AK Reimers, MO Wagner, A Woll
BMC public health 12, 1-9, 2012
Enjoyment during exercise mediates the effects of an intervention on exercise adherence
D Jekauc
Psychology 6 (01), 48, 2015
The influence of emotional intelligence on performance in competitive sports: A meta-analytical investigation
A Kopp, D Jekauc
Sports 6 (4), 175, 2018
Does physical self-concept mediate the relationship between motor abilities and physical activity in adolescents and young adults?
D Jekauc, MO Wagner, C Herrmann, K Hegazy, A Woll
PLOS one 12 (1), e0168539, 2017
Students’ emotional experience in physical education—a qualitative study for new theoretical insights
S Leisterer, D Jekauc
Sports 7 (1), 10, 2019
Reliability, validity, and measurement invariance of the German version of the physical activity enjoyment scale
D Jekauc, M Voelkle, MO Wagner, N Mewes, A Woll
Journal of pediatric psychology 38 (1), 104-115, 2013
Prediction of attendance at fitness center: a comparison between the theory of planned behavior, the social cognitive theory, and the physical activity maintenance theory
D Jekauc, M Völkle, MO Wagner, F Mess, M Reiner, B Renner
Frontiers in psychology 6, 121, 2015
Ambulatory assessment for physical activity research: state of the science, best practices and future directions
M Reichert, M Giurgiu, ED Koch, LM Wieland, S Lautenbach, ...
Psychology of sport and exercise 50, 101742, 2020
A qualitative analysis of emotional facilitators in exercise
B Wienke, D Jekauc
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1296, 2016
Assessing physical activity through questionnaires–A consensus of best practices and future directions
CR Nigg, R Fuchs, M Gerber, D Jekauc, T Koch, J Krell-Roesch, S Lippke, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 50, 101715, 2020
Tracking physical activity in different settings from late childhood to early adulthood in Germany: the MoMo longitudinal study
A Rauner, D Jekauc, F Mess, S Schmidt, A Woll
BMC public health 15, 1-11, 2015
Reliabilität und validität des momo-aktivitätsfragebogens für jugendliche (momo-afb)
D Jekauc, MO Wagner, D Kahlert, A Woll
Diagnostica, 2013
Peer problems mediate the relationship between developmental coordination disorder and behavioral problems in school-aged children
MO Wagner, K Bös, J Jascenoka, D Jekauc, F Petermann
Research in developmental disabilities 33 (6), 2072-2079, 2012
Zum Zusammenhang zwischen körperlicher Aktivität und Gesundheit bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
S Krug, D Jekauc, C Poethko-Müller, A Woll, M Schlaud
Robert Koch-Institut, Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsberichterstattung, 2011
Psychosocial and physiological health outcomes of green exercise in children and adolescents—A systematic review
C Mnich, S Weyland, D Jekauc, J Schipperijn
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (21), 4266, 2019
How do emotions and feelings regulate physical activity?
D Jekauc, R Brand
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1145, 2017
Effects of age, sex and activity level on counter-movement jump performance in children and adolescents
A Focke, G Strutzenberger, D Jekauc, A Worth, A Woll, H Schwameder
European journal of sport science 13 (5), 518-526, 2013
Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of active commuting to school in a nationwide representative sample of German adolescents
AK Reimers, D Jekauc, E Peterhans, MO Wagner, A Woll
Preventive medicine 56 (1), 64-69, 2013
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