Przemysław Grodzicki
Przemysław Grodzicki
在 umk.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Social versus individual behaviour: a comparative approach to thermal behaviour of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana L.)
P Grodzicki, M Caputa
Journal of insect physiology 51 (3), 315-322, 2005
The transfer of active ingredients of insecticides and fungicides from an orchard to beehives
B Piechowicz, I Woś, M Podbielska, P Grodzicki
Journal of environmental science and health, Part B 53 (1), 18-24, 2018
Transfer of the active ingredients of some plant protection products from raspberry plants to beehives
B Piechowicz, E Szpyrka, L Zaręba, M Podbielska, P Grodzicki
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 75, 45-58, 2018
Beer as olfactory attractant in the fight against harmful slugs Arion Lusitanicus Mabille 1868/Piwo Jako Atraktant W Zwalczaniu Szkodliwego Ślimaka Z Gatunku Arion Lusitanicus …
B Piechowicz, P Grodzicki, I Piechowicz, K Stawarczyk
Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology 19 (1-2), 119-125, 2014
Circadian and seasonal changes in honeybee (Apis mellifera) worker susceptibility to diazinon, teflubenzuron, pirimicarb, and indoxacarb
B Piechowicz, P Grodzicki, M Stawarczyk, K Stawarczyk
Pol. J. Environ. Stud 22 (5), 1457, 2013
Circadian and seasonal changes in honeybee (Apis mellifera) worker susceptibility to pyrethroids
B Piechowicz, P Grodzicki, K Stawarczyk, I Piechowicz, M Stawarczyk, ...
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 25 (3), 1177-1185, 2016
Electromagnetic fields and colony collapse disorder of the honeybee
J Wyszkowska, P Grodzicki, M Szczygieł
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 95 (1), 137-40, 2019
Transfer of Active Ingredients from Plant Protection Products to a Honeybee (Apis mellifera F.) Hive from Winter Oilseed Rape Crops Protected with Conventional Methods.
B Piechowicz, P Grodzicki, M Podbielska, N Tyrka, M Śliwa
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 27 (3), 2018
Beer as attractant for Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1885 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae)
B Piechowicz, R Watrakiewicz, E Rebisz, L Zareba, M Balawejder, ...
Folia Malacologica 24 (3), 2016
Diurnal and Seasonal Changes in Thermal Preference of Single, Isolated Bees and Small Groups of Bees (Apis mellifera L.)
P Grodzicki, M Caputa
Journal of insect behavior 27, 701-711, 2014
Photoperiod influences endogenous rhythm of ambient temperature selection by the honeybee Apis mellifera
P Grodzicki, M Caputa
Journal of Thermal Biology 37 (8), 587-594, 2012
Assessment of risk to honey bees and honey consumers resulting from the insect exposure to captan, thiacloprid, penthiopyrad, and λ-cyhalothrin used in a commercial apple orchard
B Piechowicz, J Sieńko, J Mytych, P Grodzicki, M Podbielska, E Szpyrka, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193, 1-15, 2021
Transfer of plant protection products from raspberry crops of Laszka and Seedling varieties to beehives
B Piechowicz, K Mróz, E Szpyrka, A Zwolak, P Grodzicki
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-16, 2018
2. Hypometabolism in insects
P Grodzicki, K Walentynowicz
Trivandrum, Kerala, India, 2011
A case study on toxicological aspects of the pest and disease control in the production of the high-quality raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)
S Sadło, E Szpyrka, B Piechowicz, P Grodzicki
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 50 (1), 8-14, 2015
Effect of temperature on toxicity of selected insecticides to forest beetle Anoplotrupes Stercorosus/Interakcja temperatury z wybranymi insektycydami chrząszcza leśnego …
B Piechowicz, P Grodzicki
Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology 18 (1-2), 103-108, 2013
Usage of the relationship between the application rates of the active ingredient of fungicides and their residue levels in mature apples to creating a coherent system of MRLs
S Sadło, S Walorczyk, P Grodzicki, B Piechowicz
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 123, 101-108, 2016
12. The Smell of Beer as a Factor Affecting the Emission of Carbon Dioxide by Arion Lusitanicus Auct. Non-Mabille
B Piechowicz, E Rębisz, P Grodzicki, L Zaręba, M Balawejder, ...
Annals of Animal Science 16 (2), 463-476, 2016
Thermal preferences of two spider species: an orb-web weaver and a synanthropic funnel-web weaver
T Napiórkowska, J Templin, P Grodzicki, J Kobak
The European Zoological Journal 88 (1), 824-836, 2021
Dissipation of captan, boscalid and trifloxystrobin residues in apples of four varieties within 2 months before their harvest
S Sadło, P Grodzicki, B Piechowicz
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 124, 177-184, 2017
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