Widths and shifts of isolated lines of neutral and ionized atoms perturbed by collisions with electrons and ions: An outline of the semiclassical perturbation (SCP) method and … S Sahal-Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević, N Ben Nessib Atoms 2 (2), 225-252, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
The STARK-B database VAMDC node: A repository for spectral line broadening and shifts due to collisions with charged particles S Sahal-Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević, N Moreau, NB Nessib Physica Scripta 90 (5), 054008, 2015 | 75 | 2015 |
Stark broadening calculations of neutral copper spectral lines and temperature dependence B Zmerli, NB Nessib, MS Dimitrijević, S Sahal-Bréchot Physica Scripta 82 (5), 055301, 2010 | 60 | 2010 |
Electron impact broadening of spectral lines in Be-like ions: quantum calculations H Elabidi, NB Nessib, M Cornille, J Dubau, S Sahal-Bréchot Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41 (2), 025702, 2008 | 56 | 2008 |
Quantum model of emission in a weakly non ideal plasma H Eleuch, N Ben Nessib, R Bennaceur The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2004 | 53 | 2004 |
Quantum mechanical calculations of the electron-impact broadening of spectral lines for intermediate coupling H Elabidi, NB Nessib, S Sahal-Bréchot Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37 (1), 63, 2003 | 50 | 2003 |
Quantum Stark broadening of 3s–3p spectral lines in Li-like ions; Z-scaling and comparison with semi-classical perturbation theory H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot, N Ben Nessib The European Physical Journal D 54, 51-64, 2009 | 43 | 2009 |
Comparisons and comments on electron and ion impact profiles of spectral lines S Sahal-Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević, NB Nessib Open Astronomy 20 (4), 523-530, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
Atomic data and electron-impact broadening effect in DO white dwarf atmospheres: Si vi R Hamdi, N Ben Nessib, N Milovanović, LČ Popović, MS Dimitrijević, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 387 (2), 871-882, 2008 | 35 | 2008 |
Stark broadening of carbon and oxygen lines in hot DQ White Dwarf stars: Recent results and applications P Dufour, NB Nessib, S Sahal-Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević Open Astronomy 20 (4), 511-515, 2011 | 32 | 2011 |
Stark-broadening calculations of singly ionized carbon spectral lines N Larbi-Terzi, S Sahal-Bréchot, N Ben Nessib, MS Dimitrijević Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 423 (1), 766-773, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
Stark broadening of the four times ionized silicon spectral lines NB Nessib, MS Dimitrijević, S Sahal-Bréchot Astronomy & Astrophysics 423 (1), 397-400, 2004 | 25 | 2004 |
Stark broadening of Pb iv spectral lines R Hamdi, N Ben Nessib, MS Dimitrijević, S Sahal-Bréchot Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 431 (2), 1039-1047, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Stark Widths of Ar II Spectral Lines in the Atmospheres of Subdwarf B Stars R Hamdi, N Ben Nessib, S Sahal Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević Atoms 5 (3), 26, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
The STARK-B database as a resource for “STARK” widths and shifts data: State of advancement and program of development S Sahal-Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević, N Moreau, NB Nessib Advances in Space Research 54 (7), 1148-1151, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |
Stark broadening of the spectral lines of Ne V R Hamdi, NB Nessib, MS Dimitrijević, S Sahal-Bréchot The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 170 (1), 243, 2007 | 18 | 2007 |
Quantum Stark broadening data for the C iv, N v, O vi, F vii and Ne viii resonance doublets H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević, N Ben Nessib Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 417 (4), 2624-2630, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
Electrical conductivity study of gamma-irradiated table sugar for high-dose dosimetry K Marzougui, AH Hamzaoui, K Farah, NB Nessib Radiation Measurements 43 (7), 1254-1257, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
Stark broadening of isolated lines: calculation of the diagonal multiplet factor for complex configurations (n1l1 n n2l2 m n3l3 p) WF Mahmoudi, N Ben Nessib, S Sahal-Bréchot The European Physical Journal D 47, 7-10, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
Semi-classical calculations of Stark broadening impact theory of singly-ionized carbon, nitrogen and oxygen spectral lines WF Mahmoudi, NB Nessib, S Sahal-Bréchot Physica Scripta 70 (2-3), 142, 2004 | 17 | 2004 |