Jerzy Proficz
Jerzy Proficz
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Energy‐aware high‐performance computing: survey of state‐of‐the‐art tools, techniques, and environments
P Czarnul, J Proficz, A Krzywaniak
Scientific Programming 2019 (1), 8348791, 2019
Survey of methodologies, approaches, and challenges in parallel programming using high‐performance computing systems
P Czarnul, J Proficz, K Drypczewski
Scientific Programming 2020 (1), 4176794, 2020
MERPSYS: an environment for simulation of parallel application execution on large scale HPC systems
P Czarnul, J Kuchta, M Matuszek, J Proficz, P Rościszewski, M Wójcik, ...
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 77, 124-140, 2017
Kaskada-multimedia processing platform architecture
H Krawczyk, J Proficz
2010 International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia …, 2010
Energy-aware scheduling for high-performance computing systems: A survey
B Kocot, P Czarnul, J Proficz
Energies 16 (2), 890, 2023
Analyzing energy/performance trade-offs with power capping for parallel applications on modern multi and many core processors
A Krzywaniak, J Proficz, P Czarnul
2018 Federated conference on computer science and information systems …, 2018
GPU power capping for energy-performance trade-offs in training of deep convolutional neural networks for image recognition
A Krzywaniak, P Czarnul, J Proficz
International conference on computational science, 667-681, 2022
Performance and power-aware modeling of MPI applications for cluster computing
J Proficz, P Czarnul
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 11th International Conference …, 2016
Dynamic GPU power capping with online performance tracing for energy efficient GPU computing using DEPO tool
A Krzywaniak, P Czarnul, J Proficz
Future Generation Computer Systems 145, 396-414, 2023
Optimization of parallel implementation of UNRES package for coarse‐grained simulations to treat large proteins
AK Sieradzan, J Sans‐Duñó, EA Lubecka, C Czaplewski, AG Lipska, ...
Journal of computational chemistry 44 (4), 602-625, 2023
Categorization of cloud workload types with clustering
P Orzechowski, J Proficz, H Krawczyk, J Szymański
Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal, Networks, Computing …, 2017
Modeling energy consumption of parallel applications
P Czarnul, J Kuchta, P Rościszewski, J Proficz
2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2016
Tryton supercomputer capabilities for analysis of massive data streams
H Krawczyk, M Nykiel, J Proficz
Polish Maritime Research 22 (3), 99-104, 2015
Improving all-reduce collective operations for imbalanced process arrival patterns
J Proficz
The Journal of Supercomputing 74 (7), 3071-3092, 2018
Integrated static and dynamic analysis of PVM programs with STEPS
H Krawczyk, B Wiszniewski, P Kuzora, M Neyman, J Proficz
Computing and Informatics 28 (1), 2012
Extended investigation of performance-energy trade-offs under power capping in HPC environments
A Krzywaniak, P Czarnul, J Proficz
2019 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation …, 2019
Mobile offloading framework: Solution for optimizing mobile applications using cloud computing
H Krawczyk, M Nykiel, J Proficz
Computer Networks: 22nd International Conference, CN 2015, Brunów, Poland …, 2015
Real-Time Multimedia Stream Data Processing in a Supercomputer Environment
H Krawczyk, J Proficz
Interactive Multimedia, 2012
The task graph assignment for KASKADA platform
H Krawczyk, J Proficz
Proc. 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, 22-24, 2010
Basic management strategies on KASKADA platform
H Krawczyk, R Knopa, J Proficz
2011 IEEE EUROCON-International Conference on Computer as a Tool, 1-4, 2011
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