Gregory R. Thrasher
Gregory R. Thrasher
在 oakland.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The importance of workplace motives in understanding work–family issues for older workers
GR Thrasher, K Zabel, K Wynne, BB Baltes
Work, Aging and Retirement 2 (1), 1-11, 2016
Social identity theory and leader–member exchange: individual, dyadic and situational factors affecting the relationship between leader–member exchange and job performance
G Thrasher, M Dickson, B Biermeier-Hanson, A Najor-Durack
Organization Management Journal 17 (3), 133-152, 2020
Who is aging successfully at work? A latent profile analysis of successful agers and their work motives
GR Thrasher, KL Zabel, RJ Bramble, BB Baltes
Work, Aging and Retirement 4 (2), 175-188, 2017
Modeling the joint effect of leader and follower authenticity on work and non-work outcomes
B Biermeier-Hanson, KT Wynne, G Thrasher, JB Lyons
The Journal of Psychology 155 (2), 140-164, 2020
Getting old at the top: The role of agentic and communal orientations in the relationship between age and follower perceptions of leadership behaviors and outcomes
GR Thrasher, B Biermeier-Hanson, MW Dickson
Work, Aging and Retirement 6 (1), 46-58, 2020
Eldercare and the psychology of work behavior in the twenty-first century
TL Griggs, CE Lance, G Thrasher, J Barnes-Farrell, B Baltes
Journal of Business and Psychology 35, 1-8, 2020
The intersectional effect of age and gender on the work–life balance of managers
GR Thrasher, K Wynne, B Baltes, R Bramble
Journal of Managerial Psychology 37 (7), 683-696, 2022
Are counter-productive workplace behaviors and workplace deviance parallel constructs? A meta-analytic test of a common practice
GR Thrasher, DK Krenn, LA Marchiondo
Occupational Health Science 4 (3), 239-270, 2020
Searching for the effect of age-based stereotypes on personnel decisions? Try looking through an intersectional lens
GR Thrasher
Work, Aging and Retirement 8 (4), 361-364, 2022
Lifespan perspectives on work values and job attitudes
GR Thrasher, RJ Bramble
Work across the lifespan, 495-513, 2019
Older workers with disabilities: A person-centered approach to understanding the effect of comorbidity on work outcomes
GR Thrasher, KS Markel, LA Barclay
Work, Aging and Retirement 7 (3), 229-239, 2021
Job performance and job attitudes in later life: The role of motives
GR Thrasher, RJ Bramble, BB Baltes
The aging workforce handbook, 377-397, 2016
Goal-Pursuit Tendencies and Retirement Planning: A Time-Lagged and Multi-Dimensional Investigation
P Liu, GR Thrasher, Y Ye, J Shi
Work, Aging and Retirement, waad002, 2023
Age and Managing the Work-Nonwork Interface
GR Thrasher, BB Baltes, CA Demsky
Age and Work, 277-292, 2022
Careers roundtable: An exercise for student career exploration and future development
KM York, G Thrasher, N Savage, JH Kang, M Hammond, CA Demsky, ...
Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 21 (2), 100-112, 2021
Age, work-family conflict, and coping: the moderating role of gender
G Thrasher, K Wynne, R Bramble, B Baltes
GERONTOLOGIST 56, 238-238, 2016
The Intersectional Role-(In) Congruity Effects of Age and Gender on Leadership Evaluations
GR Thrasher, CW Rudolph, MM Hammond
Group & Organization Management, 10596011231212243, 2023
Profiles of resource maintenance: A person-centered examination of SOC strategies
G Thrasher, CW Rudolph, BB Baltes, CA Demsky
Innovation in Aging 2 (Suppl 1), 862, 2018
Special Issue on Eldercare: Call for Proposals Journal of Business and Psychology Proposals due August 31, 2017
T Griggs, G Thrasher, CE Lance, B Baltes, J Barnes-Farrell
Normative Team Age Prototypes: Exploring Follower, Leader, and Team Characteristics
N Weidner, GR Thrasher, CW Rudolph
Work, Aging and Retirement 10 (2), 138-155, 2024
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