Daniel Hernandez Sosa
Daniel Hernandez Sosa
在 iusiani.ulpgc.es 的电子邮件经过验证
A comparison of face and facial feature detectors based on the Viola–Jones general object detection framework
M Castrillón, O Déniz, D Hernández, J Lorenzo
Machine Vision and Applications 22, 481-494, 2011
Differential evolution and underwater glider path planning applied to the short-term opportunistic sampling of dynamic mesoscale ocean structures
A Zamuda, JDH Sosa
Applied Soft Computing 24, 95-108, 2014
Constrained differential evolution optimization for underwater glider path planning in sub-mesoscale eddy sampling
A Zamuda, JDH Sosa, L Adler
Applied Soft Computing 42, 93-118, 2016
Success history applied to expert system for underwater glider path planning using differential evolution
A Zamuda, JDH Sosa
Expert Systems with Applications 119, 155-170, 2019
Path planning for gliders using Regional Ocean Models: Application of Pinzón path planner with the ESEOAT model and the RU27 trans-Atlantic flight data
E Fernández-Perdomo, J Cabrera-Gámez, D Hernández-Sosa, ...
OCEANS'10 IEEE SYDNEY, 1-10, 2010
Path planning for underwater gliders using iterative optimization
J Isern-González, D Hernández-Sosa, E Fernández-Perdomo, ...
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1538-1543, 2011
DESEO: An active vision system for detection tracking and recognition
HI Christensen, M Hernández, J Cabrera, M Castrillón, A Domínguez, ...
Computer Vision Systems: First International Conference, ICVS’99 Las Palmas …, 1999
Integrating robotics software
AC Dominguez-Brito, D Hernández-Sosa, J Isern-González, ...
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Neural network training for the detection and classification of oceanic mesoscale eddies
OJ Santana, D Hernández-Sosa, J Martz, RN Smith
Remote Sensing 12 (16), 2625, 2020
Short-term wind power forecast based on cluster analysis and artificial neural networks
J Lorenzo, J Méndez, M Castrillón, D Hernández
Advances in Computational Intelligence: 11th International Work-Conference …, 2011
An study on ear detection and its applications to face detection
M Castrillón-Santana, J Lorenzo-Navarro, D Hernández-Sosa
Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, 313-322, 2011
Identity and gender recognition using the encara real-time face detector
M Castrillón-Santana, O Déniz Suárez, JD Hernández Sosa, ...
Obstacle avoidance in underwater glider path planning
J Isern González, D Hernández Sosa, E Fernández Perdomo, ...
Red de Agentes Físicos, 2012
People counting with re-identification using depth cameras
D Hernández, M Castrillón, J Lorenzo
IET Digital Library, 2011
Mission specification in underwater robotics
E Fernández Perdomo, J Cabrera Gámez, AC Domínguez Brito, ...
Journal of Physical Agents, 2009
On the use of simple geometric descriptors provided by RGB-D sensors for re-identification
J Lorenzo-Navarro, M Castrillón-Santana, D Hernández-Sosa
Sensors 13 (7), 8222-8238, 2013
Optimization-based weather routing for sailboats
J Cabrera-Gámez, J Isern-González, D Hernández-Sosa, ...
Robotic Sailing 2012: Proceedings of the 5th International Robotic Sailing …, 2013
An embedded low-power control system for autonomous sailboats
J Cabrera-Gámez, A Ramos de Miguel, AC Domínguez-Brito, ...
Robotic Sailing 2013: Proceedings of the 6th International Robotic Sailing …, 2014
Single and multiple glider path planning using an optimization-based approach
E Fernández-Perdomo, D Hernández-Sosa, J Isern-González, ...
OCEANS 2011 IEEE-Spain, 1-10, 2011
An approach to multi-objective path planning optimization for underwater gliders
C Lucas, D Hernández-Sosa, D Greiner, A Zamuda, R Caldeira
Sensors 19 (24), 5506, 2019
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