Amirul Shah Md-Shahbudin
Amirul Shah Md-Shahbudin
Senior Lecturer, Universiti Sains Malaysia
在 usm.my 的电子邮件经过验证
Organizational support and creativity: The role of developmental experiences as a moderator
HI Ibrahim, A Isa, ASM Shahbudin
Procedia Economics and Finance 35, 509-514, 2016
Tracking hidden quality costs in a manufacturing company: an action research
SJ Cheah, A Shah, Shahbudin, Fauziah, Taib
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 28 (4), 405-425, 2011
Sustainable development: a competitive advantage or a threat?
M Nejati, A Shah Bin, Shahbudin, A Bin Amran
Business strategy series 11 (2), 84-89, 2010
Religion and business values for muslimpreneurs
ABU Salwa, AS Shahbudin, K Jusoff
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 13 (1), 61-68, 2013
Push factors of outward FDI: Evidence from Malaysia and Thailand
TA Masron, ASM Shahbudin
Journal of Business & Policy Research 5 (1), 54-68, 2010
Sustainability-based knowledge management performance evaluation system (SKMPES): linking the higher learning institutes with the bottom billions
ASM Shahbudin, M Nejati, A Amran
African Journal of Business Management 5 (22), 8843, 2011
Australian, Malaysian and Indonesian Accounting Academics' Teaching Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic
HG Djajadikerta, T Trireksani, T Ong, SM Roni, S Kazemian, J Zhang, ...
Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 15 (2), 103-113, 2021
Social and Environmental Accounting Research: The Way Forward.
YA Abdalla, AK Siti-Nabiha, AS SHAHBUDIN
International Journal of Economics & Management 8 (2), 2014
Attitudes towards business ethics: a cross-cultural comparison of students in Iran and Malaysia
M Nejati, A Amran, AS Md. Shahbudin
International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 6 (1), 68-82, 2011
Understanding challenges of performance measurement in a public university: Evidence from Sudan
MA Alboushra, ASM Shahbudin, YA Abdalla
Asian Social Science 11 (15), 10, 2015
Examining the regulatory frameworks for the oil and gas industry in Sudan
YA Abdalla, AK Siti-Nabiha, A Shahbudin
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 15 (01), 1350006, 2013
Barriers to achieving a sustainable university in the perspective of academicians
M Nejati, ASM Shahbudin, A Amran
Proceedings of the 9th AAM International Conference, Penang, Malaysia, 14-16, 2011
A synthesis of the Islamic social finance for sustainable Islamic social enterprise: a four factor of production frame
AS Olanrewaju, ASM Shahbudin, H Zakariyah
Journal of Critical Reviews 7 (19), 9963-9974, 2020
Putting sustainability at the core of knowledge management performance evaluation system
M Nejati, ASBM Shahbudin, AB Amran
J. Organ. Know. Manage.,. IBIMA Publishing 2010, 2010
Md (2016)
HI Ibrahim, A Isab, AS Shahbudin
Organizational support and, 0
Knowledge Management Performance Award (KMPA) For Universities & Institutes Of Higher Education.
M Nejati, AS Md Shahbudin, A Amran, M Nejati
Challenges of sustainability education: the case of private universities in Bangladesh
FA Sobhani, ASM Shahbuddin, A Amran, S Rahman
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 2, 231-248, 2010
The implementation of target costing as a tool for change within an organisation: an action research of Nestle Rowntree Division
ASM Shahbudin
University of Lancaster, 2006
A qualitative study on the decoupling of environmental and social issues from management control systems in a petroleum company: An institutionalist approach
YA Abdalla
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2013
La guerra de las métricas en la medición del valor económico en la industria bancaria: un análisis comparativo de EVA™ y sus alternativas
L Song, ASM Shahbudin
REICE: Revista Electrónica de Investigación en Ciencias Económicas 12 (23 …, 2024
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