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From pedotransfer functions to soil inference systems
AB McBratney, B Minasny, SR Cattle, RW Vervoort
Geoderma 109 (1-2), 41-73, 2002
Evaluation of sources of uncertainty in projected hydrological changes under climate change in 12 large-scale river basins
T Vetter, J Reinhardt, M Flörke, A Van Griensven, F Hattermann, S Huang, ...
Climatic Change 141, 419-433, 2017
Linking hydraulic conductivity and tortuosity parameters to pore space geometry and pore-size distribution
RW Vervoort, SR Cattle
Journal of Hydrology 272 (1-4), 36-49, 2003
Hydrological response of a small catchment burned by experimental fire
CR Stoof, RW Vervoort, J Iwema, E Van Den Elsen, AJD Ferreira, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (2), 267-285, 2012
Balancing watershed and local scale impacts of rain water harvesting in India—A review
CJ Glendenning, FF Van Ogtrop, AK Mishra, RW Vervoort
Agricultural Water Management 107, 1-13, 2012
Soil structure development and preferential solute flow
RW Vervoort, DE Radcliffe, LT West
Water Resources Research 35 (4), 913-928, 1999
User's guide of SWAP Version 2.0; simulation of water flow, solute transport and plant growth in the soil-water-atmosphere-plant environment
JG Kroes, JC Van Dam, J Huygen, RW Vervoort
Alterra, 2002
Drought forecasting through statistical models using standardised precipitation index: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis
A Anshuka, FF van Ogtrop, R Willem Vervoort
Natural Hazards 97, 955-977, 2019
Field‐scale nitrogen and phosphorus losses from hayfields receiving fresh and composted broiler litter
RW Vervoort, DE Radcliffe, ML Cabrera, M Latimore Jr
Journal of environmental quality 27 (5), 1246-1254, 1998
Hydrological impacts of rainwater harvesting (RWH) in a case study catchment: The Arvari River, Rajasthan, India: Part 2. Catchment-scale impacts
CJ Glendenning, RW Vervoort
Agricultural Water Management 98 (4), 715-730, 2011
Tillage and row position effects on water and solute infiltration characteristics
RW Vervoort, SM Dabney, MJM Römkens
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (4), 1227-1234, 2001
Hydrological impacts of rainwater harvesting (RWH) in a case study catchment: The Arvari River, Rajasthan, India. Part 1: Field-scale impacts
CJ Glendenning, RW Vervoort
Agricultural Water Management 98 (2), 331-342, 2010
Nutrient losses in surface and subsurface flow from pasture applied poultry litter and composted poultry litter
RW Vervoort, DE Radcliffe, ML Cabrera, M Latimore
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 50, 287-290, 1998
Simulating the effect of capillary flux on the soil water balance in a stochastic ecohydrological framework
RW Vervoort, SE van der Zee
Water Resources Research 44 (8), 2008
The value of remotely sensed surface soil moisture for model calibration using SWAT
D Kundu, RW Vervoort, FF van Ogtrop
Hydrological Processes 31 (15), 2764-2780, 2017
Stochastic modeling of salt accumulation in the root zone due to capillary flux from brackish groundwater
SHH Shah, RW Vervoort, S Suweis, AJ Guswa, A Rinaldo, S Van Der Zee
Water Resources Research 47 (9), 2011
Remotely sensed evapotranspiration to calibrate a lumped conceptual model: Pitfalls and opportunities
RW Vervoort, SF Miechels, FF van Ogtrop, JHA Guillaume
Journal of hydrology 519, 3223-3236, 2014
Microcosm experiments and kinetic modeling of glyphosate biodegradation in soils and sediments
FHM Tang, TC Jeffries, RW Vervoort, C Conoley, NV Coleman, F Maggi
Science of the Total Environment 658, 105-115, 2019
Root zone salinity and sodicity under seasonal rainfall due to feedback of decreasing hydraulic conductivity
S Van der Zee, SHH Shah, RW Vervoort
Water Resources Research 50 (12), 9432-9446, 2014
Mid-season empirical cotton yield forecasts at fine resolutions using large yield mapping datasets and diverse spatial covariates
P Filippi, BM Whelan, RW Vervoort, TFA Bishop
Agricultural Systems 184, 102894, 2020
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