Tim Ströbel
Tim Ströbel
Professor Marketing & Sport Management
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The digital transformation of value co-creation: a scoping review towards an agenda for sport marketing research
P Stegmann, S Nagel, T Ströbel
European Sport Management Quarterly 23 (4), 1221-1248, 2023
Exploring new routes within brand research in sport management: directions and methodological approaches
T Ströbel, CC Germelmann
European Sport Management Quarterly 20 (1), 1-9, 2020
Is it really all about money? A study on incentives in elite team sports
C Maier, H Woratschek, T Ströbel, B Popp
European Sport Management Quarterly 16 (5), 592-612, 2016
Die Einflussfaktoren der Markenbewertung im Sport: Eine empirische Analyse der Zusammenhänge bei Klubmarken
T Ströbel
Springer-Verlag, 2012
Innovations in sport management: The role of motivations and value cocreation at public viewing events
H Woratschek, C Durchholz, C Maier, T Ströbel
Event Management 21 (1), 1-12, 2017
How well do you know your spectators? A study on spectator segmentation based on preference analysis and willingness to pay for tickets
M Kaiser, T Ströbel, H Woratschek, C Durchholz
European Sport Management Quarterly 19 (2), 178-200, 2019
Guest editorial. Digital transformation in sport: the disruptive potential of digitalization for sport management research
T Ströbel, M Stieler, P Stegmann
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 11 (1), 1-9, 2021
Clothes make the fan: the effect of team merchandise usage on team identification, fan satisfaction and team loyalty
T Stroebel, H Woratschek, C Durchholz
Journal of Global Sport Management 6 (2), 185-202, 2021
Professionalization forms in mixed sport industries: is it time to rethink the stereotypes of non-profit and for-profit sport organizations?
G Lang, T Ströbel, S Nagel
Managing sport and leisure 24 (4), 208-225, 2019
How to reduce turnover intention in team sports? Effect of organizational support on turnover intention of professional team sports athletes
T Ströbel, C Maier, H Woratschek
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 8 (2), 98-117, 2018
Co-branding through an international double degree program: A single case study in sport management education
T Ströbel, BD Ridpath, H Woratschek, N O’Reilly, M Buser, M Pfahl
Sport Management Education Journal 14 (2), 119-128, 2020
An empirical exploration of sponsorship sales in North American professional sport: Is it time to rethink our approach?
N O’Reilly, T Stroebel, M Pfahl, J Kahler
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 8 (1), 15-34, 2018
Global sport management learning from home: Expanding the international sport management experience through a collaborative class project
M Davies, T Ströbel
Sport Management Education Journal 16 (2), 154-161, 2022
H Woratschek, C Horbel, B Popp, T Ströbel
Always Ahead im Marketing, Wiesbaden, 99-116, 2015
Empowerment of human brands: Brand meaning co-creation on digital engagement platforms
M Anderski, L Griebel, P Stegmann, T Ströbel
Journal of Business Research 166, 113905, 2023
Export of national sport leagues
H Woratschek, G Schafmeister, T Ströbel
Routledge Handbook of International Sport Business, 3-14, 2017
Brand equity models in the spotlight of sport business
T Ströbel, H Woratschek
Handbook of research on sport and business, 495-510, 2013
Sportmedien Marketing: Rahmenbedingungen und Geschäftsmodelle für Fernsehen und Internet TV
H Woratschek, R Kunz, T Ströbel
Medien im Marketing: Optionen der Unternehmenskommunikation, 529-547, 2009
Hype or opportunity? Tokenization as engagement platform in sport marketing
P Stegmann, D Matyas, T Ströbel
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 24 (4), 722-736, 2023
A new paradigm for sport management in the German football market
H Woratschek, G Schafmeister, T Ströbel
Marketing and Football, 163-185, 2012
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