Michael Chataway
Space, time, and crime
KM Lersch
Carolina Academic Press, 2007
The geography of crime fear: A pilot study exploring event-based perceptions of risk using mobile technology
ML Chataway, TC Hart, R Coomber, C Bond
Applied geography 86, 300-307, 2017
A social-psychological process of “fear of crime” for men and women: Revisiting gender differences from a new perspective
ML Chataway, TC Hart
Victims & Offenders 14 (2), 143-164, 2019
(Re) Assessing contemporary “fear of crime” measures within an Australian context
ML Chataway, TC Hart
Journal of Environmental Psychology 47, 195-203, 2016
Measuring fear of crime during the past 25 years: A systematic quantitative literature review
TC Hart, M Chataway, J Mellberg
Journal of Criminal Justice 82, 101988, 2022
Space, Time, and Crime.
TC Hart, K Lersch, M Chataway
Carolina Academic Press, 2020
Sense of place and feelings of safety: Examining young adults’ experiences of their local environment using mobile surveys
ML Chataway
City & Community 19 (3), 656-675, 2020
The social-psychological process of fearing crime: Developing and testing a new momentary model of victimisation worry
ML Chataway, TC Hart, C Bond
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 52 (4), 462-482, 2019
Fear of crime, disorder, and quality of life
M Chataway, A Bourke
Geographies of behavioural health, crime, and disorder: The intersection of …, 2020
Crime prevention and reduction programs: How does knowing about community initiatives moderate attitudes towards criminal victimisation?
ML Chataway, TC Hart
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 51 (2), 239-257, 2018
Fear of crime in Brisbane city: revisiting the importance of ‘context’ in the development of fear of crime
M Chataway, J Mellberg
Crime Prevention & Community Safety, 2021
Psychological distance and fear of crime: Towards a new understanding of risk perception formation
J Mellberg, ML Chataway, MJ Ball, T Miles-Johnson
Journal of Criminology 55 (3), 377-399, 2022
Fear from a distance: testing a new model of psychological distance and fear of crime
J Mellberg, ML Chataway, MJ Ball
Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-21, 2024
Mapping perceptions of topophilia and topophobia using a mobile app: A tale of two cities
L Brisudova, M Chataway, E Moir
Moravian Geographical Reports 32 (2), 90-100, 2024
Occupational Violence Against Healthcare Professionals: Applying a Criminological Lens
M Chataway
QUT Centre for Justice Briefing Papers, 2021
Using mobile applications for social science research
ML Chataway, R Solymosi
LSE Social Impact Blog, 14 August, 2019
Using app-based and sensing methods for social science research
ML Chataway, R Solymosi
UK Data Service, 2019
This chapter includes a co-authored paper. The bibliographic details of the co-authored paper, including all authors, are: Chataway, ML, Hart, TC, Coomber, R., & Bond, C.(2017 …
M Chataway
Fear of Crime in Time and Place: Developing and Testing a New Momentary …, 2018
This chapter includes a co-authored paper submitted for review. The bibliographic details of the co-authored paper, including all authors, are: Chataway, ML, & Hart, TC …
M Chataway
Fear of Crime in Time and Place: Developing and Testing a New Momentary …, 2018
This chapter includes a co-authored manuscript. The bibliographic details of the co-authored paper, including all authors, are: Chataway, ML, & Hart, TC (2017). Crime …
M Chataway
Fear of Crime in Time and Place: Developing and Testing a New Momentary …, 2018
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