Agus Naba
Agus Naba
在 ub.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Belajar cepat fuzzy logic menggunakan matlab
A Naba
Yogyakarta: Andi, 2009
Pemilihan Pemasok Bahan Mentah pada Restoran Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
E Sonalitha, M Sarosa, A Naba
Jurnal EECCIS 9 (1), 49-54, 2015
Electrical load forecasting using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
GD Santika, WF Mahmudy, A Naba
International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and Its Applications 9 (1), 2017
Game Chicken Roll dengan Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining
YS Putra, MA Muslim, A Naba
Jurnal EECCIS 7 (1), 41-46, 2013
Sistem Fuzzy Terapan dengan Software R
S Handoyo, APS Prasojo, A Naba
Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2017
Klasifikasi Kendaraan Menggunakan Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) dan Fuzzy Cluster K Means (FCM)
F Amaluddin, MA Muslim, A Naba
Jurnal EECCIS 9 (1), 19-24, 2015
UBNet: Deep learning-based approach for automatic X-ray image detection of pneumonia and COVID-19 patients
CS Widodo, A Naba, MM Mahasin, Y Yueniwati, TA Putranto, PI Patra
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 30 (1), 57-71, 2022
Optimal control of variable-speed wind energy conversion system based on fuzzy model power curve
A Naba, A Nadhir, T Hiyama
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences 12 (02), 28-36, 2012
Penerapan Metode Hybrid Fuzzy C-Means dan Particle Swarm Optimization (FCM-PSO) E untuk Segmentasi Citra Geografis
H Herditomo, S Sunaryo, A Naba
Jurnal EECCIS 8 (1), 27-32, 2014
Principal Component Analysis-Based Data Clustering for Labeling of Level Damage Sector in Post-Natural Disasters
ATW Almais, A Susilo, A Naba, M Sarosa, C Crysdian, H Wicaksono, ...
IEEE Access, 2023
Low cost but accurate ultrasonic distance measurement using combined method of threshold-correlation
A Naba, MF Khoironi, DJDH Santjojo
2015 International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR), 23-25, 2015
Fuzzy Logic Principles for Wind Speed Estimation in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
A Naba
2014 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2014
Thermoelectric-based temperature control for rapid heating and cooling
DH Pitaloka, RN Ikhsani, A Naba, SP Sakti
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 546 (3), 032026, 2019
Haar-like feature based real-time neuro car detection system
A Naba, BM Pratama, A Nadhir, H Harsono
2016 International Seminar on Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurement and …, 2016
Adaptive Control with Approximated Policy Search Approach
A Naba
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 42 (1), 17-38, 2010
Modified adaptive fuzzy control system using universal supervisory controller
YY Nazaruddin, A Naba, TH Liong
Proc. of SCI/ISAS 9, 2000
Impedance Measurement of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance using Phase Gain Detector and Digital Storage Oscilloscope
SP Sakti, ERN Akbar, DD Kamasi, A Naba
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 546 (4), 042040, 2019
Power Curve Based-Fuzzy Wind Speed Estimation in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
A Naba, A Nadhir
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics …, 2018
Rule Optimization of Fuzzy Inference System Sugeno using Evolution Strategy for Electricity Consumption Forecasting.
GD Santika, WF Mahmudy, A Naba
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 7 (4), 2017
Fuzzy model power curve based linear controller for maximum wind energy extraction in variable speed wind energy conversion system
A Naba, A Nadhir, T Hiyama
The 2011 IFSA World Congress and the 2011 AFSS, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2011
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