Free to die for their country: The story of the Japanese American draft resisters in World War II EL Muller University of Chicago Press, 2003 | 149 | 2003 |
The Hobgoblin of Little Minds-Our Foolish Law of Inconsistent Verdicts EL Muller Harv. L. Rev. 111, 771, 1997 | 128 | 1997 |
Solving the Batson Paradox: Harmless Error, Jury Representation, and the Sixth Amendment EL Muller Yale LJ 106, 93, 1996 | 119 | 1996 |
American inquisition: the hunt for Japanese American disloyalty in World War II EL Muller Univ of North Carolina Press, 2007 | 89 | 2007 |
The virtue of mercy in criminal sentencing EL Muller Seton Hall L. Rev. 24, 288, 1993 | 84 | 1993 |
12/7 and 9/11: War, Liberties, and the Lessons of History EL Muller W. Va. L. Rev. 104, 571, 2001 | 65 | 2001 |
The Legal Defense Fund's Capital Punishment Campaign: The Distorting Influence of Death EL Muller Yale L. & Pol'y Rev. 4, 158, 1985 | 54 | 1985 |
All the Themes but One EL Muller U. Chi. L. Rev. 66, 1395, 1999 | 50 | 1999 |
Constitutional Conscience EL Muller BUL Rev. 83, 1017, 2003 | 35 | 2003 |
Inference or Impact-Racial Profiling and the Internment's True Legacy EL Muller Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 1, 103, 2003 | 32 | 2003 |
Hirabayashi and the Invasion Evasion EL Muller NCL Rev. 88, 1333, 2009 | 26 | 2009 |
Deviance-repetition effects as a function of stimulus feature, feature value variation, and timing: a mismatch negativity study D Müller, A Widmann, E Schröger Biological Psychology 68 (1), 1-14, 2005 | 26 | 2005 |
Fixing a Hole: How the Criminal Law Can Bolster Reparations Theory EL Muller BCL Rev. 47, 659, 2005 | 23 | 2005 |
Judging Thomas Ruffin and the Hindsight Defense EL Muller NCL Rev. 87, 757, 2008 | 22 | 2008 |
A New Law Teacher's Guide to Choosing a Casebook EL Muller J. Legal Educ. 45, 557, 1995 | 22 | 1995 |
Korematsu, Hirabayashi, and the second monster EL Muller Tex. L. Rev. 98, 735, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Colors of Confinement: Rare Kodachrome Photographs of Japanese American Incarceration in World War II EL Muller, B Manbo UNC Press Books, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |
The Japanese American Cases-A Bigger Disaster than We Realized EL Muller Howard LJ 49, 417, 2005 | 18 | 2005 |
Where, But for the Grace of God, Goes He: The Search for Empathy in the Criminal Jurisprudence of Clarence Thomas EL Muller Const. Comment. 15, 225, 1998 | 15 | 1998 |
Betrayal on Trial: Japanese-American Treason in World War II EL Muller NCL Rev. 82, 1759, 2003 | 12 | 2003 |