Oxidative stress and nitric oxide related parameters in type II diabetes mellitus: effects of glycemic control A Aydın, H Orhan, A Sayal, M Özata, G Şahin, A Işımer Clinical biochemistry 34 (1), 65-70, 2001 | 433 | 2001 |
Assessment of aflatoxin M1 levels in milk in Ankara, Turkey A Gürbay, S Aydın, G Girgin, AB Engin, G Şahin Food control 17 (1), 1-4, 2006 | 165 | 2006 |
Exposure of newborns to aflatoxin M1 and B1 from mothers’ breast milk in Ankara, Turkey A Gürbay, SA Sabuncuoğlu, G Girgin, G Şahin, Ş Yiğit, M Yurdakök, ... Food and chemical toxicology 48 (1), 314-319, 2010 | 149 | 2010 |
Effects of some probable antioxidants on selenite-induced cataract formation and oxidative stress-related parameters in rats H Orhan, S Marol, İF Hepşen, G Şahin Toxicology 139 (3), 219-232, 1999 | 143 | 1999 |
Mikotoksinler: Toksik etkileri, degredasyonları, oluşumlarının önlenmesi ve zararlı etkilerinin azaltılması SA Sabuncuoğlu, T Baydar, B Giray, G Şahin Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, 63-92, 2008 | 106 | 2008 |
Aflatoxin and ochratoxin in various types of commonly consumed retail ground samples in Ankara, Turkey T Baydar, AB Engin, G Girgin, S Aydin, G Sahin Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine 12 (2), 193-197, 2005 | 100 | 2005 |
In vitro effects of NSAIDS and paracetamolon oxidative stress-related parameters of human erythrocytes H Orhan, G Şahin Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 53 (2-3), 133-140, 2001 | 98 | 2001 |
Determination of aluminum levels in the kidney, liver, and brain of mice treated with aluminum hydroxide G Şahin, I Varol, A Temizer, K Benli, R Demirdamar, S Duru Biological trace element research 41, 129-135, 1994 | 92 | 1994 |
Dünyada Ve Türkiye de İnsan Sağlığını Tehdit Eden Mikotoksinler G Girgin, N Başaran, G Şahin Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 58 (3), 97-118, 2001 | 83 | 2001 |
Erythrocyte antioxidant defense response against cigarette smoking in humans—the glutathione S‐transferase vulnerability H Orhan, CTA Evelo, G Şahin Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 19 (4), 226-233, 2005 | 80 | 2005 |
Assessment of aflatoxin M1 and heavy metal levels in mothers breast milk in Famagusta, Cyprus İ Kunter, N Hürer, HO Gülcan, B Öztürk, İ Doğan, G Şahin Biological trace element research 175, 42-49, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Toxic metals in breast milk samples from Ankara, Turkey: assessment of lead, cadmium, nickel, and arsenic levels A Gürbay, M Charehsaz, A Eken, A Sayal, G Girgin, M Yurdakök, Ş Yiğit, ... Biological trace element research 149, 117-122, 2012 | 66 | 2012 |
Ochratoxin A: is it present in breast milk samples obtained from mothers from Ankara, Turkey? A Gürbay, G Girgin, SA Sabuncuoǧlu, G Şahin, M Yurdakök, Ş Yiǧit, ... Journal of Applied Toxicology: An International Journal 30 (4), 329-333, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
Urinary neopterin excretion and dihydropteridine reductase activity in rheumatoid arthritis ZZ Altindağ, G Şahin, F Inanici, Z Hascelik Rheumatology international 18, 107-111, 1998 | 56 | 1998 |
Safety assessment of essential and toxic metals in infant formulas H Sipahi, A Eken, A Aydın, G Şahin, T Baydar The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 56 (4), 385-391, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
Aflatoxin M1 Levels in Commonly Consumed Cheese and Yogurt Samples in Ankara, Turkey A Gürbay, AB Engin, A Çağlayan, G Şahin Ecology of Food and Nutrition 45 (6), 449-459, 2006 | 52 | 2006 |
Egitim örgütlerinde kadın yöneticilerin yeri ve kariyer sorunları G Şahin Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2007 | 51 | 2007 |
Determination of seasonal variations in serum ochratoxin A levels in healthy population living in some regions of Turkey by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay P Erkekoğlu, S Sabuncuoğlu, S Aydın, G Şahin, B Giray Toxicon 55 (2-3), 507-513, 2010 | 41 | 2010 |
Aluminium in cosmetics and personal care products S Sanajou, G Şahin, T Baydar Journal of Applied Toxicology 41 (11), 1704-1718, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
A special focus on mycotoxin contamination in baby foods: Their presence and regulations P Erkekoğlu, G Şahin, T Baydar FABAD Journal Pharmacy Science 33, 51-66, 2008 | 31 | 2008 |