Armand Chatard
Armand Chatard
Professeur Université de Poitiers & CNRS
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Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
Social comparison, self-stereotyping, and gender differences in self-construals.
S Guimond, A Chatard, D Martinot, RJ Crisp, S Redersdorff
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 90 (2), 221, 2006
The Psychological Science Accelerator: Advancing psychology through a distributed collaborative network
H Moshontz, L Campbell, CR Ebersole, H IJzerman, HL Urry, PS Forscher, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 501-515, 2018
Culture, gender, and the self: Variations and impact of social comparison processes.
S Guimond, NR Branscombe, S Brunot, AP Buunk, A Chatard, M Désert, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 92 (6), 1118, 2007
Les effets de l'éducation
C Baudelot, F Leclercq, A Chatard, B Gobille, E Satchkova
La Documentation Française, 2005
To Which World Regions Does the Valence-Dominance Model of Social Perception Apply?
B Jones, L DeBruine, J Flake, B Aczel, M Adamkovic, R Alaei, S Alper, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 5, 159–169, 2021
“How good are you in math?” The effect of gender stereotypes on students’ recollection of their school marks
A Chatard, S Guimond, L Selimbegovic
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (6), 1017-1024, 2007
When self-destructive thoughts flash through the mind: Failure to meet standards affects the accessibility of suicide-related thoughts.
A Chatard, L Selimbegović
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 100 (4), 587, 2011
A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
K Wang, A Goldenberg, CA Dorison, JK Miller, A Uusberg, JS Lerner, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (8), 1089-1110, 2021
Impact de la féminisation lexicale des professions sur l'auto-efficacité des élèves: une remise en cause de l'universalisme masculin?
A Chatard, S Guimont, D Martinot
L'année psychologique 105 (2), 249-272, 2005
Extent of trauma exposure and PTSD symptom severity as predictors of anxiety-buffer functioning.
A Chatard, T Pyszczynski, J Arndt, L Selimbegović, PN Konan, ...
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 4 (1), 47, 2012
Self‐esteem and suicide rates in 55 Nations
A Chatard, L Selimbegović, PND Konan
European Journal of Personality 23 (1), 19-32, 2009
A word of caution about Many Labs 4: If you fail to follow your preregistered plan, you may fail to find a real effect
A Chatard, G Hirschberger, T Pyszczynski
PsyArXiv, 2020
The impact of higher education on egalitarian attitudes and values: Contextual and cultural determinants
A Chatard, L Selimbegovic
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 1 (1), 541-556, 2007
The woman who wasn't there: Converging evidence that subliminal social comparison affects self-evaluation
A Chatard, Y Bocage-Barthélémy, L Selimbegović, S Guimond
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 73, 1-13, 2017
Cultural diversity in the classroom and its effects on academic performance
PND Konan, A Chatard, L Selimbegović, G Mugny
Social Psychology, 2010
Forecasting a fatal decision: Direct replication of the predictive validity of the suicide–implicit association test
N Tello, G Harika-Germaneau, W Serra, N Jaafari, A Chatard
Psychological science 31 (1), 65-74, 2020
Reduced model-based decision-making in gambling disorder
F Wyckmans, AR Otto, M Sebold, N Daw, A Bechara, M Saeremans, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 19625, 2019
Loss shapes political views? Terror management, political ideology, and the death of close others
A Chatard, J Arndt, T Pyszczynski
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 32 (1), 2-7, 2010
Performance boosts in the classroom: Stereotype endorsement and prejudice moderate stereotype lift
A Chatard, L Selimbegović, P Konan, G Mugny
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (5), 1421-1424, 2008
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