Nathan Van der Stoep
Nathan Van der Stoep
Assistant Professor Experimental Psychology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
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Multisensory interactions in the depth plane in front and rear space: A review
N Van der Stoep, TCW Nijboer, S Van der Stigchel, C Spence
Neuropsychologia 70, 335-349, 2015
Exploring near and far regions of space: distance-specific visuospatial neglect after stroke
N Van der Stoep, JMA Visser-Meily, LJ Kappelle, PLM de Kort, ...
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 35 (8), 799-811, 2013
One way and the other: The bidirectional relationship between ambivalence and body movement
IK Schneider, A Eerland, F Van Harreveld, M Rotteveel, J Van Der Pligt, ...
Psychological Science 24 (3), 319-325, 2013
On the contribution of overt tactile expectations to visuo-tactile interactions within the peripersonal space
M Kandula, N Van der Stoep, D Hofman, HC Dijkerman
Experimental brain research 235, 2511-2522, 2017
Exogenous spatial attention decreases audiovisual integration
N Van der Stoep, S Van der Stigchel, TCW Nijboer
Attention, perception, & psychophysics 77, 464-482, 2015
On the relative contributions of multisensory integration and crossmodal exogenous spatial attention to multisensory response enhancement
N Van der Stoep, C Spence, TCW Nijboer, S Van der Stigchel
Acta Psychologica 162, 20-28, 2015
Language comprehension in the balance: the robustness of the action-compatibility effect (ACE)
RA Zwaan, N Van der Stoep, T Guadalupe, S Bouwmeester
PloS one 7 (2), e31204, 2012
Visually induced inhibition of return affects the integration of auditory and visual information
N Van der Stoep, S Van der Stigchel, TCW Nijboer, C Spence
Perception 46 (1), 6-17, 2017
Responding to sounds from unseen locations: Crossmodal attentional orienting in response to sounds presented from the rear
C Spence, J Lee, N Van der Stoep
European Journal of Neuroscience 51 (5), 1137-1150, 2020
The cost of making an eye movement: A direct link between visual working memory and saccade execution
MJ Schut, N Van der Stoep, A Postma, S Van der Stigchel
Journal of vision 17 (6), 15-15, 2017
Depth: The forgotten dimension in multisensory research
N Van der Stoep, A Serino, A Farnè, M Di Luca, C Spence
Multisensory Research 29 (6-7), 493-524, 2016
Audiovisual integration in near and far space: effects of changes in distance and stimulus effectiveness
N Van der Stoep, S Van der Stigchel, TCW Nijboer, MJ Van der Smagt
Experimental brain research 234, 1175-1188, 2016
Neglecting posture: Differences in balance impairments between peripersonal and extrapersonal neglect
TCW Nijboer, AF Ten Brink, N Van Der Stoep, JMA Visser-Meily
Neuroreport 25 (17), 1381-1385, 2014
Multisensory perception and the coding of space
N van der Stoep, T Nijboer, A Postma
Neuropsychology of space: Spatial functions of the human brain 123, 2016
Audiovisual integration in depth: multisensory binding and gain as a function of distance
JP Noel, K Modi, MT Wallace, N Van der Stoep
Experimental brain research 236 (7), 1939-1951, 2018
Feature integration is unaffected by saccade landing point, even when saccades land outside of the range of regular oculomotor variance
MJ Schut, N Van der Stoep, JH Fabius, S Van der Stigchel
Journal of Vision 18 (7), 6-6, 2018
Visual timing-tuned responses in human association cortices and response dynamics in early visual cortex
E Hendrikx, JM Paul, M van Ackooij, N van der Stoep, BM Harvey
Nature Communications 13 (1), 3952, 2022
The additive nature of the human multisensory evoked pupil response
N Van der Stoep, MJ Van der Smagt, C Notaro, Z Spock, M Naber
Scientific reports 11 (1), 707, 2021
Object files across eye movements: Previous fixations affect the latencies of corrective saccades
MJ Schut, JH Fabius, N Van der Stoep, S Van der Stigchel
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79, 138-153, 2017
Impairments in multisensory integration after stroke
N Van der Stoep, S Van der Stigchel, RC Van Engelen, JM Biesbroek, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31 (6), 885-899, 2019
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