The COVID-19 crisis: Opportunities for sustainable and proximity tourism F Romagosa Global Tourism and COVID-19: Implications for Theory and Practice, 236-240, 2020 | 577 | 2020 |
From the inside out to the outside in: Exploring the role of parks and protected areas as providers of human health and well-being F Romagosa, PFJ Eagles, CJ Lemieux Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 10, 70-77, 2015 | 165 | 2015 |
Good governance in protected areas: An evaluation of stakeholders’ perceptions in British Columbia and Ontario Provincial Parks PFJ Eagles, F Romagosa, WC Buteau-Duitschaever, M Havitz, TD Glover, ... Journal of Sustainable Tourism 21 (1), 60-79, 2013 | 147 | 2013 |
Physical health in green spaces: Visitors’ perceptions and activities in protected areas around Barcelona F Romagosa Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 23, 26-32, 2018 | 68 | 2018 |
Obstacles to sustainable entrepreneurship amongst tourism students: a gender comparison V Butkouskaya, F Romagosa, M Noguera Sustainability 12 (5), 1812, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
Religious tourism and sacred places in Spain: old practices, new forms of tourism G Cànoves, F Romagosa, A Blanco, GK Priestley International Journal of Tourism Anthropology 2 (4), 282-298, 2012 | 39 | 2012 |
El turismo en el marco de una estrategia de planificación sostenible general en Cataluña F Romagosa, GK Priestley, JC Llurdés Boletín de la asociación de geógrafos españoles, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Policy and management recommendations informed by the health benefits of visitor experiences in Alberta's protected areas CJ Lemieux, ST Doherty, PFJ Eagles, MW Groulx, GT Hvenegaard, ... Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 34 (1), 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
Studying the historical evolution of ecosystem services to inform management policies for developed shorelines AM Santana-Cordero, E Ariza, F Romagosa Environmental Science & Policy 64, 18-29, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
Policy And Practice The Ecological Values of Traditional Land Use in Low-lying Coastal Environments: The Example of the Aiguamolls de L'Emporda, Costa Brava1 D Sauri, F Breton, A Ribas, JC Llurdes, F Romagosa Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 43 (2), 277-290, 2000 | 28 | 2000 |
El incremento del turismo de proximidad en Cataluña en verano de 2020: una oportunidad para la consolidación del turismo rural como una forma de turismo sostenible y segura E Dot Jutgla, F Romagosa Casals, M Noguera Noguera Universidad de Alicante. Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Turísticas, 2022 | 27 | 2022 |
Evaluación de la gobernanza en los espacios naturales protegidos. El caso de la Columbia Británica y Ontario (Canadá) 1 F Romagosa, PFJ Eagles, WB Duitschaever Anales de geografía de la Universidad Complutense 32 (1), 133, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
The network of Spanish Jewries: in praise of connecting and sharing heritage AP Russo, F Romagosa Journal of Heritage Tourism 5 (2), 141-156, 2010 | 26 | 2010 |
Inmigración internacional y turismo en espacios rurales. El caso de los “micropueblos” de Cataluña F Romagosa, C Mendoza, L Mojica, R Morén-Alegret Cuadernos de Turismo, 319-347, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Patrimonio minero y turismo de proximidad: explorando sinergias. El caso de Cardona JC Llurdés, ID Soria, F Romagosa Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica 62 (1), 55-77, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Impactos de la frecuentación turística en el Parque Natural de los Aiguamolls de l'Empordà FR Casals Investigaciones Geográficas (Esp), 107-125, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
Propuesta de indicadores para la sostenibilidad en destinos turísticos L Cuétara, F Romagosa Retos turísticos 1 (2), 31-36, 2003 | 18 | 2003 |
Tourism and the environment S Giulietti, F Romagosa, F Esteve, C Schröder Towards a Reporting Mechanism in Europe, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
El procés històric de dessecació d'estanys a la plana empordanesa F Romagosa Casals Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica, 071-90, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
Exploring local stakeholders’ perceptions of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Ebro delta F Romagosa, J Pons Journal of Coastal Conservation 21, 223-232, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |