Alexander Tewfik
Alexander Tewfik
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Fishing effort allocation and fishermen's decision making process in a multi-species small-scale fishery: Analysis of the conch and lobster fishery in Turks and Caicos Islands
C Béné, A Tewfik
Human Ecology 29, 157-186, 2001
The Coral Triangle and climate change: ecosystems, people and societies at risk
O Hoegh-Guldberg, H Hoegh-Guldberg, JEN Veron, A Green, ED Gomez, ...
WWF Australia, 2009
Anthropogenic enrichment alters a marine benthic food web
A Tewfik, JB Rasmussen, KS McCann
Ecology 86 (10), 2726-2736, 2005
Evaluation of seagrass planting and monitoring techniques: implications for assessing restoration success and habitat equivalency
SS Bell, A Tewfik, MO Hall, MS Fonseca
Restoration Ecology 16 (3), 407-416, 2008
Biological evaluation of marine protected area: evidence of crowding effect on a protected population of queen conch in the Caribbean
C Béné, A Tewfik
Marine Ecology 24 (1), 45-58, 2003
Predator diet and trophic position modified with altered habitat morphology
A Tewfik, SS Bell, KS McCann, K Morrow
PLoS One 11 (1), e0147759, 2016
Population Characteristics and Co-occurrence of three exploited decapods (Panulirus argus, P. guttatus, Mithrax spinosissimus) in Bocas del Toro, Panama
HM Guzman, A Tewfik
Journal of Shellfish Research 23, 575-580, 2004
Rapid assessment of community needs and fisheries status in tsunami-affected communities in Aceh Province, Indonesia
LR Garces, MD Pido, RS Pomeroy, S Koeshendrajana, BI Prisantoso, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 53 (2), 69-79, 2010
Assessment of the queen conch Strombus gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae) population in Cayos Cochinos, Honduras
A Tewfik, HM Guzmán, G Jácome
Rev. Biol. Trop 46 (Suppl 4), 137ą150, 1998
Shallow-water distribution and population characteristics of Strombus gigas and S. costatus (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in Bocas del Toro, Panama
A Tewfik, HM Guzman
Journal of Shellfish Research 22 (3), 789-794, 2003
Simplification of seagrass food webs across a gradient of nutrient enrichment
A Tewfik, JB Rasmussen, KS McCann
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (7), 956-967, 2007
Reconciling poverty alleviation with reduction in fisheries capacity: boat aid in post‐tsunami Aceh, Indonesia
A Tewfik, NL Andrew, C Bene, L Garces
Fisheries Management and Ecology 15 (2), 147-158, 2008
Fish community and single-species indicators provide evidence of unsustainable practices in a multi-gear reef fishery
EA Babcock, A Tewfik, V Burns-Perez
Fisheries research 208, 70-85, 2018
“The Big Grab”: non-compliance with regulations, skewed fishing effort allocation and implications for a spiny lobster fishery
A Tewfik, C Béné
Fisheries Research 69 (1), 21-33, 2004
Variation in ghost crab trophic links on sandy beaches
K Morrow, SS Bell, A Tewfik
Marine Ecology Progress Series 502, 197-206, 2014
Macroalgae reveal nitrogen enrichment and elevated N:P ratios on the Belize Barrier Reef
BE Lapointe, A Tewfik, M Phillips
Marine Pollution Bulletin 171, 112686, 2021
Benefits of a replenishment zone revealed through trends in focal species at Glover’s Atoll, Belize
A Tewfik, EA Babcock, J Gibson, VR Burns-Perez, S Strindberg
Marine Ecology Progress Series 580, 37-56, 2017
Effects of natural barriers on the spillover of a marine mollusc: implications for fisheries reserves
A Tewfik, C Béné
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 13 (6), 473-488, 2003
An assessment of the biological characteristics, abundance, and potential yield of the queen conch (Strombus gigas L.) fishery on the Pedro Bank off Jamaica.
A Tewfik
Acadia University, 1997
Spiny lobster resources and opportunity for culture in post-tsunami Aceh, Indonesia
A Tewfik, DJ Mills, DS Adhuri
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), 2009
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