Carlos Poblete Jara
Carlos Poblete Jara
在 unl.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Supramolecular poly (acrylic acid)/F127 hydrogel with hydration-controlled nitric oxide release for enhancing wound healing
M Champeau, V Póvoa, L Militão, FM Cabrini, GF Picheth, F Meneau, ...
Acta biomaterialia 74, 312-325, 2018
Asthma and COVID-19: a systematic review
NF Mendes, CP Jara, E Mansour, EP Araújo, LA Velloso
Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology 17, 1-12, 2021
SARS-CoV-2 receptor is co-expressed with elements of the kinin–kallikrein, renin–angiotensin and coagulation systems in alveolar cells
D Sidarta-Oliveira, CP Jara, AJ Ferruzzi, MS Skaf, WH Velander, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 19522, 2020
Interleukin-6 actions in the hypothalamus protects against obesity and is involved in the regulation of neurogenesis
VC Bobbo, DF Engel, CP Jara, NF Mendes, R Haddad-Tovolli, TP Prado, ...
Journal of neuroinflammation 18, 1-17, 2021
Novel fibrin-fibronectin matrix accelerates mice skin wound healing
CP Jara, O Wang, TP do Prado, A Ismail, FM Fabian, H Li, LA Velloso, ...
Bioactive Materials 5 (4), 949-962, 2020
Interleukin‐6 Expression by Hypothalamic Microglia in Multiple Inflammatory Contexts: A Systematic Review
VCD Bobbo, CP Jara, NF Mendes, J Morari, LA Velloso, EP Araujo
BioMed Research International 2019 (1), 1365210, 2019
Bioactive fatty acids in the resolution of chronic inflammation in skin wounds
CP Jara, NF Mendes, TP Prado, EP de Araujo
Advances in wound care 9 (8), 472-490, 2020
Wound healing action of nitric oxide‐releasing self‐expandable collagen sponge
VCO Póvoa, GJVP Dos Santos, GF Picheth, CP Jara, LCE da Silva, ...
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 14 (6), 807-818, 2020
Hypothalamic microglial heterogeneity and signature under high fat diet–induced inflammation
NF Mendes, CP Jara, AM Zanesco, EP de Araújo
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (5), 2256, 2021
Glutamic acid promotes hair growth in mice
CP Jara, B de Andrade Berti, NF Mendes, DF Engel, AM Zanesco, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 15453, 2021
Demonstration of re-epithelialization in a bioprinted human skin equivalent wound model
CP Jara, CM Catarino, Y Lei, LA Velloso, P Karande, WH Velander, ...
Bioprinting 24, e00102, 2021
Effects of topical topiramate in wound healing in mice
CP Jara, VCD Bóbbo, RS Carraro, TMF de Araujo, MHM Lima, LA Velloso, ...
Archives of dermatological research 310, 363-373, 2018
Biofilme e feridas crônicas: reflexões para o cuidado de enfermagem
CP Jara, JLG Silva, FC Zanchetta, T Rojo, MHM Lima
A smartphone app for individual xylazine/ketamine calculation decreased anesthesia-related mortality in mice
CP Jara, RS Carraro, A Zanesco, B Andrade, K Moreira, G Nogueira, ...
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8, 651202, 2021
An older diabetes-induced mice model for studying skin wound healing
C Poblete Jara, G Nogueira, J Morari, TP do Prado, ...
Plos one 18 (2), e0281373, 2023
Downregulation of the Protein C Signaling System Is Associated with COVID-19 Hypercoagulability—A Single-Cell Transcriptomics Analysis
BRS Silva, CP Jara, D Sidarta-Oliveira, LA Velloso, WH Velander, ...
Viruses 14 (12), 2753, 2022
Isolating and cryopreserving pig skin cells for single-cell RNA sequencing study
L Han, CP Jara, O Wang, Y Shi, X Wu, S Thibivilliers, RK Wóycicki, ...
PloS one 17 (2), e0263869, 2022
Accelerative action of topical piperonylic acid on mice full thickness wound by modulating inflammation and collagen deposition
EPA Karina Gomes Moreira ,Thais Paulino do Prado ,Natália Ferreira Mendes ...
Plos One, 2021
Topical topiramate improves wound healing in an animal model of hyperglycemia
CP Jara, TP do Prado, VC Dias Bóbbo, AFS Ramalho, MHM Lima, ...
Biological Research for Nursing 21 (4), 420-430, 2019
Limitação da utilização do Acesso Intraósseo: aspectos da enfermagem e da instituição de saúde
M Schumaher, C Poblete Jara, VC Dias Bóbbo, C Helena Gallasch, ...
Enfermagem en Foco 9 (2), 44-50, 2018
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