Brian Reithel
Brian Reithel
Professor of MIS, University of Mississippi
在 bus.olemiss.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Gender demography and organization performance: A two-study investigation with convergence
DD Frink, RK Robinson, B Reithel, MM Arthur, AP Ammeter, GR Ferris, ...
Group & Organization Management 28 (1), 127-147, 2003
Impact of perceived technical protection on security behaviors
J Zhang, BJ Reithel, H Li
Information Management & Computer Security 17 (4), 330-340, 2009
Matching personality and organizational culture: Effects of recruitment strategy and the Five-Factor Model on subjective person–organization fit
WL Gardner, BJ Reithel, CC Cogliser, FO Walumbwa, RT Foley
Management Communication Quarterly 26 (4), 585-622, 2012
Determining the intention to use biometric devices: An application and extension of the technology acceptance model
T James, T Pirim, K Boswell, B Reithel, R Barkhi
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 18 (3), 1-24, 2006
Attraction to organizational culture profiles: Effects of realistic recruitment and vertical and horizontal individualism—collectivism
WL Gardner, BJ Reithel, RT Foley, CC Cogliser, FO Walumbwa
Management Communication Quarterly 22 (3), 437-472, 2009
A model of user information satisfaction
A Shirani, M Aiken, B Reithel
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 25 (4 …, 1994
Emerging information technologies: Developing a timely IT strategy
CG Cegielski, BJ Reithel, CM Rebman
Communications of the ACM 48 (8), 113-117, 2005
Beyond the information center: an instrument to measure end-user computing support from multiple sources
C Govindarajulu, BJ Reithel
Information & management 33 (5), 241-250, 1998
The value of certification: an empirical assessment of the perceptions of end‐users of local area networks
CG Cegielski, CM Rebman, BJ Reithel
Information Systems Journal 13 (1), 97-107, 2003
A model of end user attitudes and intentions toward alternative sources of support
C Govindarajulu, BJ Reithel, V Sethi
Information & Management 37 (2), 77-86, 2000
Information technology and financial performance: The impact of being an Internet-dependent firm on stock returns
AJ Kamssu, BJ Reithel, JL Ziegelmayer
Information Systems Frontiers 5, 279-288, 2003
An exploratory study of sexual behavior in accounting firms: Do male and female CPAs interpret sexual harassment differently?
D Nichols, RK Robinson, BJ Reithel, GM Franklin
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 8 (3), 249-264, 1997
A natural language processing based group decision support system
SP Conlon, BJ Reithel, MW Aiken, AI Shirani
Decision Support Systems 12 (3), 181-188, 1994
Using a group decision support system for multicultural and multilingual communication
M Aiken, J Martin, B Reithel, A Shirani, T Singleton
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute 2 …, 1992
An empirical investigation of an individual's perceived need for privacy and security
T Pirim, T James, K Boswell, B Reithel, R Barkhi
International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) 2 (1), 42-53, 2008
An extension of the technology acceptance model to determine the intention to use biometric devices
T James, T Pirim, K Boswell, B Reithel, R Barkhi
End user computing challenges and technologies: Emerging tools and …, 2008
An experimental investigation of the effects of size, format, and errors on spreadsheet reliability perception
BJ Reithel, DL Nichols, RK Robinson
Journal of Computer Information Systems 36 (3), 54-64, 1996
The software piracy dilemma in public administration: A survey of university software policy enforcement
RK Robinson, BJ Reithel
Public Administration Quarterly, 485-497, 1994
Patient use of online medical records: an application of technology acceptance framework
S Mukhopadhyay, R Basak, D Carpenter, BJ Reithel
Information & Computer Security 28 (1), 97-115, 2020
Perceptions of cybersecurity readiness among workgroup IT managers
TA Chapman, BJ Reithel
Journal of Computer Information Systems 61 (5), 438-449, 2021
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