Tuija Rankama
Tuija Rankama
Arkeologian dosentti, Helsingin yliopisto
在 helsinki.fi 的电子邮件经过验证
The first eastern migrations of people and knowledge into Scandinavia: evidence from studies of Mesolithic technology, 9th-8th millennium BC
M Sørensen, T Rankama, J Kankaanpää, K Knutsson, H Knutsson, ...
Norwegian archaeological review 46 (1), 19-56, 2013
How flakes shatter: a critical evaluation of quartz fracture analysis
M Tallavaara, MA Manninen, E Hertell, T Rankama
Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (10), 2442-2448, 2010
First evidence of eastern Preboreal pioneers in arctic Finland and Norway: Erste Beweise für östliche präboreale Pioniere in den arktischen Gebieten von Finnland und Norwegen
T Rankama, J Kankaanpää
Quartär–Internationales Jahrbuch zur Erforschung des Eiszeitalters und der …, 2011
On the early history of the wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) in Finland
T Rankama, P Ukkonen
Boreas 30 (2), 131-147, 2001
Eastern arrivals in post-glacial Lapland: the Sujala site 10 000 cal BP
T Rankama, J Kankaanpää
Antiquity 82 (318), 884-899, 2008
Excavations at Susiluola Cave
HP Schulz, B Eriksson, H Hirvas, P Huhta, H Jungner, P Purhonen, ...
Suomen Museo-Finskt Museum 109, 5–45-5–45, 2002
Analyses of the Quartz Assemblages of Houses 34 and 35 at Kauvonkangas in Tervola
T Rankama
Huts and Houses. Stone Age and Early Metal Age Buildings in Finland, 79-108, 2002
11. Fast or slow Pioneers? a view from northern lapland
J Kankaanpää, T Rankama
Prehistoric riverine adaptations in subarctic Finnish Lapland: the Teno River drainage
TK Rankama
Brown University, 1996
Ala-Jalve: Spatial, technological, and behavioral analyses of the lithic assemblage from a Stone Age-Early Metal Age site in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland
T Rankama
BAR Publishing, 1997
Spatial Patterns of the Early Mesolithic Sujala Site, Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland
J Kankaanpää, T Rankama
Mesolithic Interfaces, Variability in Lithic Technologies in Eastern …, 2011
Early mesolithic pioneers in northern Finnish Lapland
J Kankaanpää, T Rankama
Pioneer settlements and colonization processes in the Barents region, 109-161, 2005
Simple production and social strategies: do they meet? Social dimensions in Eastern Fennoscandian quartz technologies
T Rankama, MA Manninen, E Hertell, M Tallavaara
Skilled production and social reproduction, 245, 2003
The colonization of northernmost Finnish Lapland and the inland areas of Finnmark
T Rankama, L Larsson, H Kindgern, K Knuttson, D Loeffler, A Akerlund
Mesolithic on the Move: Papers Presented at the Sixth International …, 2003
Between inland and coast in Metal Age Finland-human impact on the primeval forests of Southern Häme during the Iron Age
T Rankama, I Vuorela
Memoranda Societatis Pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 64 (1), 25-34, 1988
Managing the landscape: A study of Sámi place-names in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland
T Rankama
Études/Inuit/Studies, 47-69, 1993
More pieces in vertical movement
T Rankama, J Kankaanpää
Dig it all. Papers dedicated to Prof. Ari Siiriainen. Helsinki: Jyväskylä, 45-64, 1999
Few and far between–An archive survey of Finnish blade finds
MA Manninen, E Hertell, T Rankama
Mesolithic interfaces: variability in lithic technologies in Eastern …, 2011
The earliest postglacial inland settlement of Lapland
T Rankama, J Kankaanpää
Stone age of the European North, 44-65, 2007
First Preboreal inland site in north Scandinavia discovered in Finnish Lapland
T Rankama, J Kankaanpää
Antiquity 78 (301), 113-121, 2004
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