K F Pun
K F Pun
Professor of Industrial Engineering, University of the West Indies
在 sta.uwi.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
An audit of technological innovation capabilities in Chinese firms: some empirical findings in Beijing, China
RCM Yam, JC Guan, KF Pun, EPY Tang
Research policy 33 (8), 1123-1140, 2004
A performance measurement paradigm for integrating strategy formulation: A review of systems and frameworks
KF Pun, AS White
International journal of management reviews 7 (1), 49-71, 2005
Exploring soft versus hard factors for TQM implementation in small and medium‐sized enterprises
WG Lewis, KF Pun, TRM Lalla
International Journal of productivity and performance management 55 (7), 539-554, 2006
Technology transfer and innovation performance: Evidence from Chinese firms
JC Guan, CK Mok, RCM Yam, KS Chin, KF Pun
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 73 (6), 666-678, 2006
A study of the environmental management system implementation practices
IK Hui, AHS Chan, KF Pun
Journal of cleaner production 9 (3), 269-276, 2001
A proposed framework for implementing TQM in Chinese organizations
KS Chin, KF Pun
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 19 (3), 272-294, 2002
An AHP based study of critical factors for TQM implementation in Shanghai manufacturing industries
KS Chin, KF Pun, Y Xu, JSF Chan
Technovation 22 (11), 707-715, 2002
Cultural influences on total quality management adoption in Chinese enterprises: an empirical study
KF Pun
Total quality management 12 (3), 323-342, 2001
A review of the Chinese cultural influences on Chinese enterprise management
KF Pun, KS Chin, H Lau
International Journal of Management Reviews 2 (4), 325-338, 2000
Empirical investigation of the hard and soft criteria of TQM in ISO 9001 certified small and medium‐sized enterprises
WG Lewis, K Fai Pun, TRM Lalla
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 23 (8), 964-985, 2006
Determinants of employee involvement practices in manufacturing enterprises
KF Pun, KS Chin, R Gill
Total Quality Management 12 (1), 95-109, 2001
Prioritising the safety management elements: a hierarchical analysis for manufacturing enterprises
WK Law, AHS Chan, KF Pun
Industrial Management & Data Systems 106 (6), 778-792, 2006
Determinants of environmentally responsible operations: a review
K Fai Pun
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 23 (3), 279-297, 2006
A self‐assessed quality management system based on integration of MBNQA/ISO 9000/ISO 14000
KF Pun, KS Chin, H Lau
International journal of quality & reliability management 16 (6), 606-629, 1999
Factors influencing ISO 14000 implementation in printed circuit board manufacturing industry in Hong Kong
KS Chin
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 42 (1), 123-134, 1999
An analytical hierarchy process assessment of the ISO 14001 environmental management system
KF Pun, IK Hui
Integrated Manufacturing Systems 12 (5), 333-345, 2001
Development of a knowledge-based self-assessment system for measuring organisational performance
KS Chin, KF Pun, H Lau
Expert Systems with Applications 24 (4), 443-455, 2003
A QFD/hoshin approach for service quality deployment: a case study
KF Pun, KS Chin, H Lau
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 10 (3), 156-170, 2000
Development of an integrated total quality management and performance measurement system for self-assessment: A method
KF Pun
Total quality management 13 (6), 759-777, 2002
Development of an EMS planning framework for environmental management practices
KF Pun, IK Hui, HCW Lau, HW Law, WG Lewis
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 19 (6), 688-709, 2002
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