Natalja Buhhalko
Natalja Buhhalko
Insener, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, TTÜ Meresüsteemide instituut
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Guidance on the monitoring of marine litter in European seas
F Galgani, OSPL RUIZ, F Ronchi, K Tallec, E Fischer, M Matiddi, ...
Vertical dynamics of summer phytoplankton in a stratified estuary (Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea)
U Lips, I Lips, T Liblik, V Kikas, K Altoja, N Buhhalko, N Rünk
Ocean Dynamics 61, 903-915, 2011
Monitoring the effect of upwelling on the chlorophyll a distribution in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) using remote sensing and in situ data
R Uiboupin, J Laanemets, L Sipelgas, L Raag, I Lips, N Buhhalko
Oceanologia 54 (3), 395-419, 2012
Downward migrating microplastics in lake sediments are a tricky indicator for the onset of the Anthropocene
I Dimante-Deimantovica, S Saarni, M Barone, N Buhhalko, N Stivrins, ...
Science advances 10 (8), eadi8136, 2024
Spatiotemporal variability of microplastics in the Eastern Baltic sea
A Mishra, N Buhhalko, K Lind, I Lips, T Liblik, G Väli, U Lips
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 875984, 2022
Guidance on the Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas-An update to improve the harmonised monitoring of marine litter under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
F Galgani, LF Ruiz-Orejon, F Ronchi, K Tallec, EK Fischer, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2023
Uncertainty and consistency assessment in multiple microplastic observation datasets in the Baltic Sea
J She, N Buhhalko, K Lind, A Mishra, V Kikas, E Costa, C Gambardella, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 886357, 2022
Value for money: a cost-effectiveness analysis of microplastic analytics in seawater
N Meyers, K Kopke, N Buhhalko, K Mattsson, CR Janssen, G Everaert, ...
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 4 (1), 4, 2024
Estimating Microplastics related to Laundry Wash and Personal Care Products released to Wastewater in Major Estonian Cities: a comparison of calculated and measured microplastics
AY Ayankunle, N Buhhalko, K Pachel, E Lember, V Kõrgmaa, A Mishra, ...
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 21 (1), 225-237, 2023
Comparative analysis of microplastics detection methods applied to marine sediments: A case study in the Bay of Marseille
O Gerigny, G Blanco, U Lips, N Buhhalko, L Chouteau, E Georges, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 207, 116787, 2024
Replicas for success-microplastics sampling strategy for low-polluted waterbodies
M Barone, E Antonsson, M Blache, N Buhhalko, S Mischke, S Saarni, ...
A case study on microlitter and chemical contaminants: Assessing biological effects in the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland (Baltic sea) using the mussel Mytilus trossulus …
I Kuprijanov, N Buhhalko, U Eriksson, V Sjöberg, A Rotander, N Kolesova, ...
Marine Environmental Research 199, 106628, 2024
Microplastics in Influents and Effluents of Estonian Wastewater Treatment Plants
AY Ayankunle, N Buhhalko, A Lukjanova, K Pachel, E Lember, ...
Proceedings 92 (1), 55, 2023
Modeling the transport and accumulation of microplastics in the Gulf of Finland
E Siht, A Mishra, G Väli, N Buhhalko, T Liblik, U Lips
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-15139, 2023
Processes Influencing the Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Nutrients and Phytoplankton in Summer in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea
N Buhhalko
TUT Press, 2015
Mapping Microplastic Pathways and Accumulation Zones in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea-Insights from Modeling
A Mishra, E Siht, G Väli, T Liblik, N Buhhalko, U Lips
Frontiers in Marine Science 11, 1524585, 0
Microplastics in Estonian Wastewater Treatment Plants: First Evaluation of Baseline Concentrations and Stage-Wise Removal Efficiency
AY Ayankunle, N Buhhalko, K Pachel, E Lember, A Drenkova-Tuhtan, ...
Available at SSRN 4997831, 0
1. Sampling of microplastics in water by an automated microplastic sampling device
K Lind, N Buhhalko, V Kikas, U Lips
Mikroplasti allikad ja levikuteed Eesti rannikumerre, potentsiaalne mõju pelaagilistele ja bentilistele organismidele
I Lips, P Turov, K Lind, N Buhhalko, H Thennakoon
Dynamics of nutrients and phytoplankton Chl a influenced by mesoscale and sub-mesoscale physical processes in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)
N Rünk, A Meerits, N Buhhalko, I Lips, V Kikas, T Liblik, U Lips
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