Adrish Ganguly
Adrish Ganguly
在 integer.net 的电子邮件经过验证
Electrical transport, thermal transport, and elastic properties of (, Cr, Nb, and V)
JD Hettinger, SE Lofland, P Finkel, T Meehan, J Palma, K Harrell, S Gupta, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (11), 115120, 2005
On the elastic properties and mechanical damping of Ti3SiC2, Ti3GeC2, Ti3Si0. 5Al0. 5C2 and Ti2AlC in the 300–1573 K temperature range
M Radovic, MW Barsoum, A Ganguly, T Zhen, P Finkel, SR Kalidindi, ...
Acta materialia 54 (10), 2757-2767, 2006
Synthesis and mechanical properties of Ti3GeC2 and Ti3 (SixGe1− x) C2 (x= 0.5, 0.75) solid solutions
A Ganguly, T Zhen, MW Barsoum
Journal of alloys and compounds 376 (1-2), 287-295, 2004
Thermal expansion of select Mn+ 1AXn (M= earlytransitionmetal, A= Agroupelement, X= C or N) phases measured by high temperature x-ray diffraction and dilatometry
TH Scabarozi, S Amini, O Leaffer, A Ganguly, S Gupta, W Tambussi, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (1), 2009
Microstructural evidence of reconstituted limestone blocks in the Great Pyramids of Egypt
MW Barsoum, A Ganguly, G Hug
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 89 (12), 3788-3796, 2006
Electronic and thermal properties of Ti3Al (C0. 5, N0. 5) 2, Ti2Al (C0. 5, N0. 5) and Ti2AlN
T Scabarozi, A Ganguly, JD Hettinger, SE Lofland, S Amini, P Finkel, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (7), 2008
Electronic, thermal, and elastic properties of solid solutions
P Finkel, B Seaman, K Harrell, J Palma, JD Hettinger, SE Lofland, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (8), 085104, 2004
Synthesis and compressibility of Ti3 (Al, Sn0. 2) C2 and Ti3Al (C0. 5, N0. 5) 2
B Manoun, SK Saxena, G Hug, A Ganguly, EN Hoffman, MW Barsoum
Journal of applied physics 101 (11), 2007
Elastic properties and phonon conductivities of Ti3Al (C0. 5, N0. 5) 2 and Ti2Al (C0. 5, N0. 5) solid solutions
M Radovic, A Ganguly, MW Barsoum
Journal of materials research 23 (6), 1517-1521, 2008
Compression of to 53 GPa
B Manoun, HP Liermann, RP Gulve, SK Saxena, A Ganguly, ...
Applied physics letters 84 (15), 2799-2801, 2004
On the low temperature heat capacities of Ti2AlN and Ti2Al (N0. 5C0. 5)
MK Drulis, H Drulis, AE Hackemer, A Ganguly, T El-Raghy, MW Barsoum
Journal of alloys and compounds 433 (1-2), 59-62, 2007
Infrared spectrum and compressibility of Ti3GeC2 to 51 GPa
B Manoun, H Yang, SK Saxena, A Ganguly, MW Barsoum, B El Bali, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 433 (1-2), 265-268, 2007
Interdiffusion Between Ti3SiC2–Ti3GeC2 and Ti2AlC–Nb2AlC Diffusion Couples
A Ganguly, MW Barsoum, RD Doherty
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (7), 2200-2204, 2007
On the heat capacity of Ti3GeC2
MK Drulis, A Czopnik, H Drulis, JE Spanier, A Ganguly, MW Barsoum
Materials Science and Engineering: B 119 (2), 159-163, 2005
Crystal chemistry of layered carbide, Ti3 (Si0. 43Ge0. 57) C2
H Yang, B Manoun, RT Downs, A Ganguly, MW Barsoum
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (12), 2512-2516, 2006
The 1300° C isothermal section in the Ti–In–C ternary phase diagram
A Ganguly, MW Barsoum, J Schuster
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88 (5), 1290-1296, 2005
High-temperature oxidation of Ti3GeC2 and Ti3Ge0. 5Si0. 5C2 in air
S Gupta, A Ganguly, D Filimonov, MW Barsoum
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153 (7), J61, 2006
Corrosion behavior of Ti3GeC2 and Ti2AlN in 1 M NaOH
VD Jovic, MW Barsoum, BM Jovic, A Ganguly, T El-Raghy
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153 (7), B238, 2006
Thermal expansion of select [M. sub. n+ 1] A [X. sub. n] phases measured by high temperature x-ray diffraction and dilatometry
TH Scabarozi, S Amini, O Leaffer, A Ganguly, S Gupta, W Tambussi, ...
Journal of applied physics 105 (1), 013543, 2009
The 1300° C isothermal section in the Nb–Sn–C ternary phase diagram
MW Barsoum, A Ganguly, HJ Seifert, F Aldinger
Journal of alloys and compounds 337 (1-2), 202-207, 2002
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