Thomas Roche
Recognition vocabulary knowledge as a predictor of academic performance in an English as a foreign language setting
T Roche, M Harrington
Language Testing in Asia 3 (12), 1-13, 2013
Identifying academically at-risk students in an English-as-a-Lingua-Franca university setting
M Harrington, T Roche
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 15, 37-47, 2014
Assessing the role of digital literacy in English for Academic Purposes university pathway programs.
T Roche
Journal of Academic Language & Learning 11 (1), A71-A87, 2017
Making the connection: Examining the relationship between undergraduate students’ digital literacy and academic success in an English medium instruction (EMI) university
ST Ahmed, T Roche
Education and Information Technologies 26 (4), 4601-4620, 2021
Evidence that L2 production training can enhance perception.
G Linebaugh, T Roche
Journal of Academic Language & Learning. 9 (1), A1 - A17, 2015
Does online engagement matter? The impact of interactive learning modules and synchronous class attendance on student achievement in an immersive delivery model
E Goode, J Nieuwoudt, T Roche
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 38 (4), 76-94, 2022
Transforming lives: The power of an Australian enabling education
S Syme, T Roche, E Goode, E Crandon
Higher Education Research & Development 41 (7), 2426-2440, 2022
Learning to hear by learning to speak: the effect of articulatory training on Arab learners’ English phonemic discrimination.
G Linebaugh, T Roche
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 36 (2), 146-159, 2013
Implications of immersive scheduling for student achievement and feedback
E Goode, T Roche, E Wilson, JW McKenzie
Studies in Higher Education 48 (7), 1123-1136, 2023
Vocabulary Recognition Skill as a Screening Tool in English-as-a-Lingua-Franca University Settings
T Roche, M Harrington, Y Sinha, C Denman
Post-admission Language Assessment of University Students. John Read (Ed …, 2016
Word recognition skill and academic success across disciplines in an ELF university setting
M Harrington, T Roche
Papers in Language Testing and Assessment 3 (2), 76-99, 2014
Why the Southern Cross Model? How one university’s curriculum was transformed
T Roche, E Wilson, E Goode
How one University’s Curriculum was Transformed (February 8, 2022). Southern …, 2022
Immersive learning in a block teaching model: A case study of academic reform through principles, policies and practice
T Roche, E Wilson, E Goode
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 21 (2), 12, 2024
Investigating learning style in foreign language classrooms.
T Roche
Langenscheidt, 2006
Unravelling failure: belief and performance in English for academic purposes programs in Oman
T Roche, YK Sinha, C Denman
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015
The dialogic fashioning of women’s dress in the Sultanate of Oman.
A Roche, T., Roche, E. & Al-Saidi
Journal of Arabian studies: Arabia, the Gulf, and the Red Sea. 4 (1), 38-51., 2014
Student perceptions of immersive block learning: an exploratory study of student satisfaction in the Southern Cross Model
E Goode, T Roche, E Wilson, JW McKenzie
Journal of Further and Higher Education 48 (2), 153-167, 2024
The success, satisfaction and experiences of international students in an immersive block model
E Goode, T Roche, E Wilson, J Zhang, JW McKenzie
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 21 (2), 08, 2024
Supporting the academic success of students from equity backgrounds in higher education through immersive scheduling
T Roche, E Goode, E Wilson, J McKenzie
Southern Cross University Scholarship of Learning and Teaching Paper, http …, 2023
Understanding higher education attrition in English-medium programs in the Arab Gulf states: Identifying push, pull and fallout factors at an Omani university
Y Sinha, T Roche, M Sinha
English education in Oman: Current scenarios and future trajectories, 195-229, 2018
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