The fates of De Novo and De Alio producers in the American Automobile Industry 1885–1981 GR Carroll, LS Bigelow, MDL Seidel, LB Tsai Strategic Management Journal 17 (S1), 117-137, 1996 | 526 | 1996 |
Theories of the firm–market boundary TR Zenger, T Felin, L Bigelow Academy of Management Annals 5 (1), 89-133, 2011 | 213 | 2011 |
Skirting the issues: Experimental evidence of gender bias in IPO prospectus evaluations L Bigelow, L Lundmark, J McLean Parks, R Wuebker Journal of Management 40 (6), 1732-1759, 2014 | 212 | 2014 |
Dominant designs, innovation shocks, and the follower's dilemma N Argyres, L Bigelow, JA Nickerson Strategic Management Journal 36 (2), 216-234, 2015 | 197 | 2015 |
Innovation, modularity, and vertical deintegration: Evidence from the early US auto industry N Argyres, L Bigelow Organization Science 21 (4), 842-853, 2010 | 196 | 2010 |
Does transaction misalignment matter for firm survival at all stages of the industry life cycle? N Argyres, L Bigelow Management Science 53 (8), 1332-1344, 2007 | 132 | 2007 |
What can strategy learn from the business model approach? LS Bigelow, JB Barney Journal of Management Studies 58 (2), 528-539, 2021 | 128 | 2021 |
Legitimation, geographical scale, and organizational density: Regional patterns of foundings of American automobile producers, 1885–1981 LS Bigelow, GR Carroll, MDL Seidel, L Tsai Social Science Research 26 (4), 377-398, 1997 | 115 | 1997 |
Transaction costs, industry experience and make-or-buy decisions in the population of early US auto firms LS Bigelow, N Argyres Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 66 (3-4), 791-807, 2008 | 94 | 2008 |
When and how to shift gears: Dynamic trade‐offs among adjustment, opportunity, and transaction costs in response to an innovation shock L Bigelow, JA Nickerson, WY Park Strategic Management Journal 40 (3), 377-407, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
New institutional economics, organization, and strategy J Nickerson, L Bigelow New institutional economics 183, 2008 | 23 | 2008 |
Dominant design, conpositio desiderata, and the follower’s dilemma N Argyres, L Bigelow, JA Nickerson Manuscript, Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
‘Do transaction costs matter for survival at all stages of the industry life cycle? N Argyres, L Bigelow Eighth Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional …, 2004 | 8 | 2004 |
When incremental is imperative: tactical innovation in the in-vitro fertilization industry JC Verhaal, SD Dobrev, L Bigelow Industrial and Corporate Change 26 (4), 709-726, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Vertical integration over the industry lifecycle: Evidence from the early US auto industry. N Argyres, L Bigelow Academy of Management Proceedings 2007 (1), 1-6, 2007 | 6 | 2007 |
Is demography destiny? Experimental evidence of gender bias during investor evaluations of founding teams R Wuebker, L Bigelow Venture capital, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Technology choice, transaction alignment, and survival: The impact of sub-population organizational structure LS Bigelow Ecology and Strategy, 301-333, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Do transaction costs matter at all stages of the industry lifecycle N Argyres, L Bigelow Technical report, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Competitive positioning, dominant design and vertical integration over the industry lifecycle N Argyres, L Bigelow Management and Global Business Seminar, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ 30, 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
Understanding the Internationalization of the Us Venture Capital Industry: The Role of Experience, Reputation, and Networks R Wuebker, A Corbett, L Bigelow SSRN Working Paper Series, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |