Maître de conférences, Université de Poitiers, IC2MP
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Abiotic Process for Fe(II) Oxidation and Green Rust Mineralization Driven by a Heterotrophic Nitrate Reducing Bacteria (Klebsiella mobilis)
M Etique, FPA Jorand, A Zegeye, B Grégoire, C Despas, C Ruby
Environmental science & technology 48 (7), 3742-3751, 2014
Hydrolysis of mixed Ni 2+–Fe 3+ and Mg 2+–Fe 3+ solutions and mechanism of formation of layered double hydroxides
B Grégoire, C Ruby, C Carteret
Dalton Transactions 42 (44), 15687-15698, 2013
Nitrate reduction by mixed iron (II-III) hydroxycarbonate green rust in the presence of phosphate anions: The key parameters influencing the ammonium selectivity
M Etique, A Zegeye, B Grégoire, C Carteret, C Ruby
water research 62, 29-39, 2014
FeII induced mineralogical transformations of ferric oxyhydroxides into magnetite of variable stoichiometry and morphology
M Usman, M Abdelmoula, K Hanna, B Grégoire, P Faure, C Ruby
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 194, 328-335, 2012
Structural Cohesion of MII-MIII Layered Double Hydroxides Crystals: Electrostatic Forces and Cationic Polarizing Power
B Grégoire, C Ruby, C Carteret
Crystal growth & design 12 (9), 4324-4333, 2012
Experimental formation of clay-coated sand grains using diatom biofilm exopolymers
T Duteil, R Bourillot, B Grégoire, M Virolle, B Brigaud, J Nouet, ...
Geology 48 (10), 1012-1017, 2020
Tunable composition of NiII–AlIII and NiII–FeIII layered hydroxides within a wide range of layer charge
C Carteret, B Grégoire, C Ruby
Solid state sciences 13 (1), 146-150, 2011
Insights into the behaviour of biomolecules on the early Earth: The concentration of aspartate by layered double hydroxide minerals
B Gregoire, V Erastova, DL Geatches, SJ Clark, HC Greenwell, DG Fraser
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 176, 239-258, 2016
A general orientation distribution function for clay-rich media
T Dabat, F Hubert, E Paineau, P Launois, C Laforest, B Grégoire, B Dazas, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 5456, 2019
Role of interlayer porosity and particle organization in the diffusion of water in swelling clays
A Asaad, F Hubert, E Ferrage, T Dabat, E Paineau, P Porion, S Savoye, ...
Applied Clay Science 207, 106089, 2021
Multiscale mechanistic study of the adsorption of methyl orange on the external surface of layered double hydroxide
B Grégoire, JL Bantignies, R Le-Parc, B Prélot, J Zajac, G Layrac, D Tichit, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (36), 22212-22220, 2019
Design of hybrid Chitosan-Montmorillonite materials for water treatment: Study of the performance and stability
J Salvé, B Gregoire, L Imbert, F Hubert, NKV Leitner, M Leloup
Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 6, 100087, 2021
Influence of preferred orientation of clay particles on the diffusion of water in kaolinite porous media at constant porosity
T Dabat, P Porion, F Hubert, E Paineau, B Dazas, B Grégoire, E Tertre, ...
Applied Clay Science 184, 105354, 2020
Relation Composition-Structure des Hydroxydes Doubles Lamellaires: Effets de la charge du feuillet et de la nature de l'anion interfoliaire
B Grégoire
Université de Lorraine, 2012
Mesoscale anisotropy in porous media made of clay minerals. A numerical study constrained by experimental data
T Dabat, A Mazurier, F Hubert, E Tertre, B Grégoire, B Dazas, E Ferrage
Materials 11 (10), 1972, 2018
Tuning and Investigating the structure of MII-FeIII Layered Double Hydroxides (MII= NiII, CoII and MgII) in relation to their composition: From synthesis to anionic exchange …
B Grégoire, E André, C Ruby, C Carteret
Current Inorganic Chemistry (Discontinued) 5 (3), 169-183, 2015
Connecting molecular simulations and laboratory experiments for the study of time-resolved cation-exchange process in the interlayer of swelling clay minerals
E Tertre, B Dazas, A Asaad, E Ferrage, B Gregoire, F Hubert, A Delville, ...
Applied Clay Science 200, 105913, 2021
Peptide formation on layered mineral surfaces: The key role of brucite-like minerals on the enhanced formation of alanine dipeptides
B Grégoire, HC Greenwell, DG Fraser
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2 (8), 852-862, 2018
Martian magmatic clay minerals forming vesicles: perfect niches for emerging life?
JC Viennet, S Bernard, C Le Guillou, V Sautter, B Grégoire, A Jambon, ...
Astrobiology 21 (5), 605-612, 2021
Second-Harmonic Scattering in Layered Double Hydroxide Colloids: A Microscopic View of Adsorption and Intercalation
PM Gassin, B Prelot, B Grégoire, G Martin-Gassin
Langmuir 34 (40), 12206-12213, 2018
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