Field theories of condensed matter physics E Fradkin Cambridge University Press, 2013 | 3026 | 2013 |
How to detect fluctuating stripes in the high-temperature superconductors SA Kivelson, IP Bindloss, E Fradkin, V Oganesyan, JM Tranquada, ... Reviews of Modern Physics 75 (4), 1201, 2003 | 1761 | 2003 |
Electronic liquid-crystal phases of a doped Mott insulator SA Kivelson, E Fradkin, VJ Emery Nature 393 (6685), 550-553, 1998 | 1473 | 1998 |
Phase diagrams of lattice gauge theories with Higgs fields E Fradkin, SH Shenker Physical Review D 19 (12), 3682, 1979 | 1472 | 1979 |
Colloquium: Theory of intertwined orders in high temperature superconductors E Fradkin, SA Kivelson, JM Tranquada Reviews of Modern Physics 87 (2), 457-482, 2015 | 1113 | 2015 |
Nematic Fermi fluids in condensed matter physics E Fradkin, SA Kivelson, MJ Lawler, JP Eisenstein, AP Mackenzie Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 1 (1), 153-178, 2010 | 826 | 2010 |
Fractional quantum Hall effect and Chern-Simons gauge theories A Lopez, E Fradkin Physical Review B 44 (10), 5246, 1991 | 802 | 1991 |
Order and disorder in gauge systems and magnets E Fradkin, L Susskind Physical Review D 17 (10), 2637, 1978 | 644 | 1978 |
Quantum theory of a nematic Fermi fluid V Oganesyan, SA Kivelson, E Fradkin Physical Review B 64 (19), 195109, 2001 | 541 | 2001 |
Critical behavior of disordered degenerate semiconductors. II. Spectrum and transport properties in mean-field theory E Fradkin Physical review B 33 (5), 3263, 1986 | 528 | 1986 |
Topological Insulators and Nematic Phases from Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking<? format?> in 2D Fermi Systems with a Quadratic Band Crossing K Sun, H Yao, E Fradkin, SA Kivelson Physical review letters 103 (4), 046811, 2009 | 499 | 2009 |
Signatures of exciton condensation in a transition metal dichalcogenide A Kogar, MS Rak, S Vig, AA Husain, F Flicker, YI Joe, L Venema, ... Science 358 (6368), 1314-1317, 2017 | 454 | 2017 |
Liquid-crystal phases of quantum Hall systems E Fradkin, SA Kivelson Physical Review B 59 (12), 8065, 1999 | 444 | 1999 |
Short-ranged resonating valence bond physics, quantum dimer models, and Ising gauge theories R Moessner, SL Sondhi, E Fradkin Physical Review B 65 (2), 024504, 2001 | 399 | 2001 |
Jordan-Wigner transformation for quantum-spin systems in two dimensions and fractional statistics E Fradkin Physical review letters 63 (3), 322, 1989 | 393 | 1989 |
Dynamical Layer Decoupling in a Stripe-Ordered High- Superconductor E Berg, E Fradkin, EA Kim, SA Kivelson, V Oganesyan, JM Tranquada, ... Physical review letters 99 (12), 127003, 2007 | 380 | 2007 |
Topological order and conformal quantum critical points E Ardonne, P Fendley, E Fradkin Annals of Physics 310 (2), 493-551, 2004 | 377 | 2004 |
Striped superconductors: how spin, charge and superconducting orders intertwine in the cuprates E Berg, E Fradkin, SA Kivelson, JM Tranquada New Journal of Physics 11 (11), 115004, 2009 | 359 | 2009 |
The physics of pair-density waves: cuprate superconductors and beyond DF Agterberg, JCS Davis, SD Edkins, E Fradkin, DJ Van Harlingen, ... Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 11 (1), 231-270, 2020 | 344 | 2020 |
Phase transitions in gapless Fermi systems with magnetic impurities D Withoff, E Fradkin Physical review letters 64 (15), 1835, 1990 | 330 | 1990 |