Irwan Endrayanto A
Irwan Endrayanto A
Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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Model berbasis SIR dalam prediksi awal penyebaran covid-19 di daerah istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY)
F Adi-Kusumo, N Susyanto, I Endrayanto, A Meliala
Jurnal Matematika Thales 2 (1), 2020
Non parameter-filled function for global optimization
R Pandiya, W Widodo, I Endrayanto
Applied Mathematics and Computation 391, 125642, 2021
CDMA coverage under mobile heterogeneous network load
D Saban, H van den Berg, RJ Boucherie, I Endrayanto
Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference 1, 326-330, 2002
Analysis of the Single-Vendor--Multi-Buyer Inventory Model for Imperfect Quality with Controllable Lead Time.
R Setiawan, I Endrayanto
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 51 (3), 2021
Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRDB) implementation on cluster storage data migration
M Riasetiawan, A Ashari, I Endrayanto
2015 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE), 93-97, 2015
An analytical model for CDMA downlink rate optimization taking into account uplink coverage restrictions
AI Endrayanto, H van den Berg, RJ Boucherie
Performance Evaluation 59 (2-3), 225-246, 2005
Preprocessing of coastal satellite altimetry, tide gauges, and GNSS data: Towards the possibility of detected vertical deformation of South Java island
LS Heliani, N Widjajanti, I Endrayanto, H Panuntun
Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 308-316, 2013
Finding global minima with an inflection point-based filled function algorithm
R Pandiya, S Salmah, W Widodo, I Endrayanto
Numerical Algorithms 92 (2), 1403-1424, 2023
Nash equilibrium for manufacturer-retailer inventory model with perishable goods and time depending holding cost
R Setiawan, S Salmah, W Widodo, I Endrayanto, I Indarsih
AIP Conference Proceedings 2326 (1), 2021
Application of the empirical orthogonal function to study the rainfall pattern in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta province
F Adi-Kusumo, G Gunardi, H Utami, E Nurjani, A Sopaheluwakan, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1707 (1), 2016
A multiple-choice knapsack based algorithm for CDMA downlink rate differentiation under uplink coverage restrictions
AI Endrayanto, AF Bumb, RJ Boucherie
University of Twente, 2004
Characterizing CDMA downlink feasibility via effective interference
AI Endrayanto, JL van den Berg, RJ Boucherie
First International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and …, 2003
A Class of Parameter-Free Filled Functions for Unconstrained Global Optimization
R Pandiya, Salmah, Widodo, I Endrayanto
International Journal of Computational Methods 19 (04), 2250003, 2022
Teori Permainan Supermodular Non-kooperatif n Pemain dengan Multi Tujuan dan Aplikasinya pada Permasalahan Inventori
R SETIAWAN, MS Salmah, I Endrayanto, SS Indarsih
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2022
A Novel Parameter-Free Filled Function Applied to Global Optimization.
R Pandiya, I Endrayanto
Engineering Letters 29 (1), 2021
†œDisrupsi dan Resiliensi Pendidikan Tinggi dalam Menangani Dampak COVID-19â€, Dalam W
H Suryatmojo, SS Kusumawardani, IE Aluicius, W Widyatmanti
Mas’ udi & PS Winanti (Eds.), Tata Kelola Penanganan COVID-19 di …, 2020
Program dinamis pada penentuan rute kendaraan dengan time windows
M Fera, I Endrayanto
Jurnal Gantang 3 (2), 135-141, 2018
Optimization of the toll charges by using an effective algorithm: The case in Semarang traffic network
S Inayati
AIP Conference Proceedings 1746 (1), 2016
The analyses on dynamic and dedicated resource allocation on Xen server
M Riasetiawan, A Ashari, I Endrayanto
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 14 (1), 280-285, 2016
A combinatorial approximation algorithm for CDMA downlink rate allocation
RJ Boucherie, AF Bumb, AI Endrayanto, GJ Woeginger
Telecommunications Planning: Innovations in Pricing, Network Design and …, 2006
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