Eveline E. Schippers
Eveline E. Schippers
Projectmanager en onderzoeker, De Forensische Zorgspecialisten
在 dfzs.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of EMDR and TF-CBT in reducing trauma symptoms and externalizing behavior problems in adolescents
LM Hoogsteder, L Ten Thije, EE Schippers, GJJM Stams
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 66 (6 …, 2022
A statistical comparison of EEG time-and time–frequency domain representations of error processing
GJ Munneke, TS Nap, EE Schippers, MX Cohen
Brain research 1618, 222-230, 2015
Responsive aggression regulation therapy (re-ART): an evaluation study in a Dutch juvenile justice institution in terms of recidivism
LM Hoogsteder, GJJM Stams, EE Schippers, D Bonnes
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 62 (14 …, 2018
Excitation transfer between sexual arousal and other emotions in a community sample
EE Schippers, WJ Smid, S Both, JH Smit
Archives of sexual behavior 51 (8), 3905-3918, 2022
Exploratory factor analysis of unusual sexual interests
EE Schippers, WJ Smid, AL Huckelba, LM Hoogsteder, ATF Beekman, ...
The journal of sexual medicine 18 (9), 1615-1631, 2021
Exploring hostility toward women in high-risk rapists: The relevance of ambivalence and relational experience
EE Schippers, WJ Smid
Sexual Abuse 33 (7), 747-768, 2021
Pedophilia is associated with lower sexual interest in adults: Meta-analyses and a systematic review with men who had sexually offended against children
EE Schippers, WJ Smid, LM Hoogsteder, CHM Planting, V de Vogel
Aggression and violent behavior 69, 101813, 2023
Responsive Aggression Regulation Therapy (Re‐ART) improves executive functioning in adolescents and young adults with severe aggression problems: A pilot study
EE Schippers, LM Hoogsteder, GJJM Stams
Journal of forensic sciences 65 (6), 2058-2064, 2020
A quasi‐experimental pilot study to the effects of Responsive Aggression Regulation Therapy (Re‐ART) Outpatient for young adults
LM Hoogsteder, EE Schippers, N Sweers, GJJM Stams
Journal of forensic sciences 66 (3), 971-981, 2021
Factor analysis with unusual sexual interests: a replication study in a representative population sample
EE Schippers, W Smid, L Hoogsteder, V de Vogel
Sexual Abuse 36 (4), 464-485, 2024
Excitation transfer between sexual arousal and other emotions: study protocol
EE Schippers, WJ Smid, LM Hoogsteder
Int J Psychiatr Res 6 (1), 1-7, 2023
How does sexual deviance develop?
EE Schippers
Maastricht University, 2024
W Smid, K Schepers, E Schippers, N Schouten
Seksuele problemen: Diagnostiek en behandeling, 269-296, 2023
Theories on the etiology of deviant sexual interests: A systematic review
EE Schippers, LM Hoogsteder, V de Vogel
Sexual Abuse, 10790632241271308, 2023
Vijf jaar na# MeToo
W Berlo, M Olfers, A Wijk, E Schippers, L Hoogsteder, N Sweers, C Berg, ...
Boom juridisch, 2022
Wat betekent# MeToo voor de behandeling en positie van plegers van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag?
E Schippers, L Hoogsteder, N Sweers
Justitiële Verkenningen 48 (4), 2022
Creating Sexual Deviance: A Controlled Laboratory Experiment
EE Schippers
Annual Research And Treatment Conference sponsored by the Association for …, 2019
Het mediërende effect van sociale informatieverwerking in de relatie tussen opvoedgedrag en externaliserend probleemgedrag van kinderen met een lichte verstandelijke beperking
E Schippers
Veiligheidsrisico’s en kenmerken van personen met verward gedrag
E Schippers, J van Horn, I Kusters, E Klein-Haneveld
Overzicht instrumenten voor het screenen van (acute) veiligheidsrisico’s en zorgbehoefte van personen met verward gedrag
E Schippers, J van Horn, I Kusters, E Klein-Haneveld
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