The impact of perceived organizational ethical climate on work satisfaction M Elçi, L Alpkan Journal of business ethics 84, 297-311, 2009 | 478 | 2009 |
The impact of ethical leadership and leadership effectiveness on employees’ turnover intention: The mediating role of work related stress M Elci, İ Şener, S Aksoy, L Alpkan Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 58, 289-297, 2012 | 359 | 2012 |
Effects of occupational health and safety practices on organizational commitment, work alienation, and job performance: Using the PLS-SEM approach R Kaynak, AT Toklu, M Elci, IT Toklu International Journal of Business and Management 11 (5), 146-166, 2016 | 211 | 2016 |
The mediating role of mobbing on the relationship between organizational silence and turnover intention M Elçi, ME Karabay, L Alpkan, İ Şener Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 150, 1298-1309, 2014 | 167 | 2014 |
The effects of organizational justice and ethical climate on perceived work related stress A Sert, M Elçi, T Uslu, İ Şener Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 150, 1187-1198, 2014 | 123 | 2014 |
Effects of quality culture and corporate ethical values on employee work attitudes and job performance in Turkey: An integrative approach M Elçi, H Ki˙ tapçi, A Ertürk Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 18 (3), 285-302, 2007 | 101 | 2007 |
Employees’ perception of CSR affecting employer brand, brand image, and corporate reputation F Özcan, M Elçi SAGE open 10 (4), 2158244020972372, 2020 | 80 | 2020 |
Effects of family-work conflict, locus of control, self confidence and extraversion personality on employee work stress ME Karabay, B Akyüz, M Elçi Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 235, 269-280, 2016 | 70 | 2016 |
Investigating the mediating effect of ethical climate on organizational justice and burnout: A study on financial sector M Elçi, ME Karabay, B Akyüz Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 207, 587-597, 2015 | 64 | 2015 |
How burnout affects turnover intention? The conditional effects of subjective vitality and supervisor support M Elci, B Yildiz, M Erdilek Karabay International journal of organizational leadership 7, 47-60, 2018 | 63 | 2018 |
Örgütlerde etik iklimin personelin vatandaşlık davranışlarına etkileri M Elçi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2005 | 62 | 2005 |
The impact of morality and religiosity of employees on their hardworking behavior M Elçi, İ Sener, L Alpkan Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 24, 1367-1377, 2011 | 57 | 2011 |
Etik iklimin örgütsel vatandaşlik davranişlarina etkileri M Elçi, L Alpkan Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (1 …, 2006 | 54 | 2006 |
The impacts of ethical leadership on the antisocial behavior of employees: the mediating role of ethical climate M Elçi, I Şener, L Alpkan Journal of Global Strategic Management 14 (1), 56-66, 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
Antecedents of turnover intention: A meta-analysis study in the United States A Ozkan, M Elci, M Karabay, H Kitapci, C Garip E a M: Ekonomie a Management 23 (1), 2020 | 45 | 2020 |
The mediating role of trust in leader in the relations of ethical leadership and distributive justice on internal whistleblowing: a study on Turkish banking sector L Alpkan, M Karabay, İ Şener, M Elçi, B Yıldız Kybernetes 50 (7), 2073-2092, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Ethical Climate’s Relationship to Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment And Turnover Intention C Zehir, M Elçi, FZ Savi Ethics 2003 Business and Professional Ethics Conference Proceeding …, 2003 | 32 | 2003 |
Çalışanların örgütsel bağlılık düzeylerine yöneticilerinin etik liderlik davranışlarının etkisi Y Altun | 30 | 2013 |
Proaktif kişilik yapısının ve yenilikçi davranışın görev performansına etkisi S Tunca, M Elçi, G Murat Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 (1), 325-335, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Effect of manifest needs, religiosity and selected demographics on hard working: An empirical investigation in Turkey M Elci Journal of International Business Research 6 (2), 97, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |