Jennifer Freeman
Pre-service teacher training in classroom management: A review of state accreditation policy and teacher preparation programs
J Freeman, B Simonsen, D Briere, A MacSuga-Gage
Teacher Education and Special Education, 2014
Examining the impact of policy and practice interventions on high school dropout and school completion rates: A systematic review of the literature
J Freeman, B Simonsen
Review of Educational Research, 2014
Relationship between school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports and academic, attendance, and behavior outcomes in high schools
J Freeman, B Simonsen, B McCoach, G Sugai, A Lombardi, R Horner
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 2015
Multi-tiered support framework for teachers’ classroom management practices: Overview and case study of building the triangle for teachers
B Simonsen, A MacSuga-Gage, D Briere, J Freeman, D Myers, T Scott, ...
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 2014
MTSS coaching: Bridging knowing to doing
J Freeman, G Sugai, B Simonsen, S Everett
Theory Into Practice 56 (1), 29-37, 2017
An analysis of the relationship between implementation of School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and high school attendance and dropout rates
J Freeman, B Simonsen, B McCoach, G Sugai, A Lombardi, R Horner
The High School Journal, 2015
Effects of Targeted Professional Development on Teachers’ Specific Praise Rates
B Simonsen, J Freeman, K Dooley, E Maddock, L Kern, D Myers
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, 2016
Replication of special education research: Necessary but far too rare
MC Makel, JA Plucker, J Freeman, A Lombardi, B Simonsen, M Coyne
Remedial and Special Education 37 (4), 205-212, 2016
Classroom management with exceptional learners
D Myers, J Freeman, B Simonsen, G Sugai
Teaching Exceptional Children 49 (4), 223-230, 2017
Federal policy on improving outcomes for students with emotional and behavioral disorders: Past, present, and future
J Freeman, ML Yell, JG Shriner, A Katsiyannis
Behavioral Disorders 44 (2), 97-106, 2019
The effects of targeted professional development on teachers’ use of empirically supported classroom management practices
B Simonsen, J Freeman, D Myers, K Dooley, E Maddock, L Kern, S Byun
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 22 (1), 3-14, 2020
Capacity development and multi-tiered systems of support: Guiding principles
G Sugai, B Simonsen, J Freeman, T La Salle
Australasian Journal of Special Education 40 (2), 80-98, 2016
Supporting and responding to behavior: Evidence-based classroom strategies for teachers
B Simonsen, J Freeman, S Goodman, B Mitchell, J Swain-Bradway, ...
Office of Special Education Programs, 2015
A practical guide to improving school climate in high schools
J VanLone, J Freeman, T LaSalle, L Gordon, T Polk, J Rocha Neves
Intervention in School and Clinic 55 (1), 39-45, 2019
Experiences of stroke survivors, their families and unpaid carers in goal setting within stroke rehabilitation: a systematic review of qualitative evidence
A Lloyd, K Bannigan, T Sugavanam, J Freeman
JBI Evidence Synthesis 16 (6), 1418-1453, 2018
Assessing the Relationship between the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Framework and Student Outcomes in High Schools.
J Freeman, L Kern, AJ Gambino, A Lombardi, J Kowitt
Journal of At-Risk Issues 22 (2), 1-11, 2019
Recent changes in state policies and legislation regarding restraint or seclusion
J Freeman, G Sugai
Exceptional Children, 2013
Modeling college and career readiness for adolescents with and without disabilities: A bifactor approach
A Lombardi, J Freeman, G Rifenbark
Exceptional Children 84 (2), 159-176, 2018
A high school replication of targeted professional development for classroom management
J Freeman, J Kowitt, B Simonsen, Y Wei, K Dooley, L Gordon, E Maddock
Remedial and Special Education 39 (3), 144-157, 2018
Ethical and professional guidelines for use of crisis procedures
B Simonsen, G Sugai, J Freeman, L Kern, J Hampton
Education and Treatment of Children 37 (2), 307-322, 2014
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