Carlos Valério Aguiar Gomes
Carlos Valério Aguiar Gomes
Professor, Instituto Amazônico de Agriculturas Familiares/Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA
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Rubber tapper identities: Political-economic dynamics, livelihood shifts, and environmental implications in a changing Amazon
CVA Gomes, JM Vadjunec, SG Perz
Geoforum 43 (2), 260-271, 2012
Rubber tapper citizens: emerging places, policies, and shifting rural-urban identities in Acre, Brazil
JM Vadjunec, M Schmink, CVA Gomes
Amazonian Geographies, 73-98, 2014
From contested to ‘green’frontiers in the Amazon? A long-term analysis of São Félix do Xingu, Brazil
M Schmink, J Hoelle, CVA Gomes, GM Thaler
The Journal of Peasant Studies 46 (2), 377-399, 2019
Land-use/land-cover change among rubber tappers in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Acre, Brazil
JM Vadjunec, CVA Gomes, T Ludewigs
Journal of Land Use Science 4 (4), 249-274, 2009
Ciclos econômicos do extrativismo na Amazônia na visão dos viajantes naturalistas
CVA Gomes
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 13, 129-146, 2018
Twenty years after Chico Mendes: extractive reserves' expansion, cattle adoption and evolving self-definition among rubber tappers in the Brazilian Amazon
CVA Gomes
University of Florida, 2009
Extractive Reserves in the Brazilian Amazon thirty years after Chico Mendes: social movement achievements, territorial expansion and continuing struggles
CVA Gomes, A Alencar, JM Vadjunec, LM Pacheco
Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente 48, 2018
Dynamics of land use in an Amazonian extractive reserve: The case of the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve in Acre, Brazil
CVA Gomes
University of Florida, 2001
Convergence and contrasts in the adoption of cattle ranching: Comparisons of smallholder agriculturalists and forest extractivists in the Amazon
CVA Gomes, SG Perz, JM Vadjunec
Journal of Latin American Geography, 99-120, 2012
Motivations of pilgrims on the Portuguese Inner Way to Santiago de Compostela
C Gomes, N Losada, X Pereiro
International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 7 (2), 5, 2019
Cocoa agroforestry system as an alternative for degraded pastureland restoration, food security and livelihoods development among smallholders in a Brazilian Amazon …
C Gomes, E Garcia, E Alves, M Queiroz, FP Oliveira
Enhancing Food Security through Forest Landscape Restoration: Lessons from …, 2015
The Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve: trajectories of agro-extractive development in Amazonia
RH Wallace, CVA Gomes, NA Cooper
Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente 48, 30, 2018
Cattle Ranching Expansion Among Rubber Tapper Communities in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve in the Southwestern Brazilian Amazonia
CVA Gomes
Rio Branco, Acre, Report for WWF-Brazil, 115, 2004
forthcoming 2011. Rubber tappper citizens: emerging places, policies, and shifting identities in Acre, Brazil
JM Vadjunec, M Schmink, CVA Gomes
Journal of Cultural Geography, 0
Planejando Futuros Sustentáveis com Pequenos Produtores: Programa Proambiente Pólo Alto Acre
CVA Gomes, WL Bartels, M Schmink, AP Duarte, H Arcos
O Manejo da Paisagem ea Paisagem do Manejo, 121-156, 2008
Mapa como ferramenta para gerenciar recursos naturais
A Alechandre, IF Brown, HSY Sassagawa, CV Gomes, EF Amaral, ...
Cartilha. Rio Branco. UFAC, 1998b. 34p, 1998
Como fazer medidas de distância no campo: métodos práticos e de baixo custo para fazer medidas de distância no campo: usando mãos, braços e passos calibrados
A Alechandre, IF Brown, CVA Gomes
Brilhograf, 1998
Condições de estabilização da agricultura familiar em Santo Antônio do Tauá-PA
AAC do Nascimento, CVA Gomes
Agricultura Familiar: Pesquisa, Formação e Desenvolvimento 13 (2), 121-144, 2020
Economic cycles of extractivism in the Amazon from the perspective of traveling naturalists
CVA Gomes
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 13, 129-146, 2018
A trajetória do movimento social dos extrativistas florestais da Amazônia: Mudanças nas lutas políticas, estratégias, demandas e conquistas
LM Pacheco, CVA Gomes
Ambiente & Sociedade 26, e0048, 2024
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