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Defect-impurity engineering in implanted silicon AR Chelyadinskii, FF Komarov Physics-Uspekhi 46 (8), 789, 2003 | 50 | 2003 |
Defect production in silicon irradiated with 5.68 GeV Xe ions VS Varichenko, AM Zaitsev, NM Kazutchits, AR Chelyadinskii, NM Penina, ... Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1996 | 36 | 1996 |
Ya. I. Latushko, WR Fahrner VS Varichenko, AM Zaitsev, NM Kazutchits, AR Chelyadinskii, NM Penina, ... Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 107, 268, 1996 | 36* | 1996 |
Interstitial type defects in ion implanted silicon NI Berezhnov, VF Stelmakh, AR Chelyadinskii physica status solidi (a) 78 (2), K121-K125, 1983 | 32 | 1983 |
Deformation of porous silicon lattice caused by absorption/desorption processes AR Chelyadinsky, AM Dorofeev, NM Kazuchits, S La Monica, ... Journal of The Electrochemical Society 144 (4), 1463-1468, 1997 | 28 | 1997 |
On the problem of Watkins substitution and migration of silicon atoms in silicon NI Berezhnov, AR Chelyadinskii, M Jadan, YR Suprun-Belevich Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1993 | 27 | 1993 |
Damage profiles in ion implanted silicon VD Tkachev, G Hölzer, AR Chelyadinskii physica status solidi (a) 85 (1), K43-K46, 1984 | 24 | 1984 |
Ионная имплантация примесей в монокристаллы кремния: эффективность метода и радиационные нарушения ВС Вавилов, АР Челядинский Успехи физических наук 165 (3), 347-358, 1995 | 23 | 1995 |
Diffusion of implanted nickel in diamond AR Filipp, VV Tkachev, VS Varichenko, AM Zaitsev, AR Chelyadinskii, ... Diamond and Related Materials 1 (2), 271-276, 1992 | 21 | 1992 |
Charge States of Interstitial Defects in lmplanted Silicon and Their Annealing Temperatures M Jadan, NI Berezhnov, AR Chelyadinskii physica status solidi (b) 189 (1), K1-K4, 1995 | 17 | 1995 |
Impurity ion implantation into silicon single crystals: efficiency and radiation damage VS Vavilov, AR Chelyadinskii Physics-Uspekhi 38 (3), 333, 1995 | 16 | 1995 |
Radiation defects and electrical properties of silicon layers containing Sb and As implanted with Si+ ions OJ Araika, AR Chelyadinskii, VA Dravin, YR Suprun-Belevich, VP Tolstikh Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1993 | 13 | 1993 |
Diffusion of ion‐implanted phosphorus in silicon AR Chelyadinskii, HI Taher physica status solidi (a) 142 (2), 331-338, 1994 | 12 | 1994 |
Effect of Radiation Defects and Elastic Incompatibility Stresses on the Electrical Activation and Diffusion of Boron in Ion‐Implanted Silicon VF Stelmakh, YR Sutrtin‐belevich, AR Chelyadinskii physica status solidi (a) 112 (1), 381-384, 1989 | 11 | 1989 |
Spatial distribution, build-up, and annealing of radiation defects in silicon implanted by high-energy krypton and xenon ions AR Chelyadinskii, VS Varichenko, AM Zaitsev Physics of the Solid State 40 (9), 1478-1481, 1998 | 10 | 1998 |
EPR, XRD and optical reflectivity studies of radiation damage in silicon after high energy implantation of Ni ions VS Varichenko, AM Zaitsev, JKN Lindner, R Domres, NM Penina, ... Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1994 | 10 | 1994 |
Changes in the Lattice Period of Si Caused by Neutron Irradiation AR Chelyadinskii Soviet Physics-Solid State 18 (3), 506-507, 1976 | 10 | 1976 |
Diffusion of boron implanted into silicon VF Stelmakh, YR Suprun‐Belevich, VD Tkachev, AR Chelyadinskii physica status solidi (a) 89 (1), K45-K49, 1985 | 8 | 1985 |
X-RAY-DIFFRACTION STUDY OF SILICON IMPLANTATED WITH BORON IONS VF Stelmakh, VD Tkachev, AR Chelyadinskii FIZIKA TVERDOGO TELA 20 (7), 2196-2200, 1978 | 8 | 1978 |