Stefanos Mastrotheodoros
Stefanos Mastrotheodoros
Utrecht University & University of Crete
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Coming closer in adolescence: Convergence in mother, father, and adolescent reports of parenting
S Mastrotheodoros, J Van der Graaff, M Deković, WHJ Meeus, SJT Branje
Journal of Research on Adolescence 29 (4), 846-862, 2019
Development of parent-adolescent relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of stress and coping.
MH Donker, S Mastrotheodoros, S Branje
Developmental Psychology 57 (10), 1611, 2021
Parent–Adolescent Conflict across Adolescence: Trajectories of Informant Discrepancies and Associations with Personality Types
S Mastrotheodoros, J Van der Graaff, M Dekovic, W Meeus, S Branje
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 49, 119-135, 2020
Family Functioning and Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: Disentangling between-, and Within-Family Associations
S Mastrotheodoros, ...
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 49, 804-817, 2020
Socially desirable responding: Enhancement and denial in 20 countries
J He, FJR van De Vijver, A Dominguez Espinosa, A Abubakar, ...
Cross-Cultural Research 49 (3), 227-249, 2015
Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS): A test of longitudinal measurement invariance in Greek adolescents
S Mastrotheodoros, F Motti-Stefanidi
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 14 (5), 605-617, 2017
Interparental conflict management strategies and parent–adolescent relationships: Disentangling between‐person from within‐person effects across adolescence
S Mastrotheodoros, J Van der Graaff, M Deković, WHJ Meeus, SJT Branje
Journal of Marriage and Family 81 (1), 185-203, 2019
Longitudinal interplay between peer likeability and youth’s adaptation and psychological well-being: A study of immigrant and nonimmigrant adolescents in the school context
F Motti-Stefanidi, V Pavlopoulos, S Mastrotheodoros, JB Asendorpf
International Journal of Behavioral Development 44 (5), 393-403, 2020
Experiences in close relationships-revised (ECR-R): Measurement (non-) invariance across Chinese and Greek samples
S Mastrotheodoros, BB Chen, F Motti-Stefanidi
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 12 (3), 344-358, 2015
Avoidant romantic attachment in adolescence: Gender, excessive internet use and romantic relationship engagement effects
V Stavropoulos, S Mastrotheodoros, TL Burleigh, N Papadopoulos, ...
PloS one 13 (7), e0201176, 2018
Day-to-day spillover and long-term transmission of interparental conflict to adolescent–mother conflict: The role of mood.
S Mastrotheodoros, CJ Van Lissa, J Van der Graaff, M Deković, ...
Journal of Family Psychology, 2020
Measurement invariance of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) across Bulgarian, Dutch and Greek samples
S Mastrotheodoros, R Dimitrova, F Motti-Stefanidi, A Abubakar, ...
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 9 (4), 508-515, 2012
Developmental Interplay Between Ethnic, National, and Personal Identity in Immigrant Adolescents
S Mastrotheodoros, O Kornienko, A Umana-Taylor, F Motti-Stefanidi
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, DOI: 10.1007/s10964-021-01434-y, 2021
Experiences in Close Relationships Revised Child version (ECR-RC): Psychometric evidence in support of a Security factor
F Lionetti, S Mastrotheodoros, BE Palladino
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 15 (4), 452-463, 2018
Linking classmate autonomy support with prosocial behavior in Chinese left-behind adolescents: The moderating role of self-esteem and grit
C Ma, S Mastrotheodoros, X Lan
Personality and Individual Differences 195, 111679, 2022
The effects of COVID-19 on young people’s mental health and psychological well-being
S Mastrotheodoros
Is there a paradox of adaptation in immigrant children and youth across Europe? A literature review
R Dimitrova, SB Özdemir, D Farcas, M Kosic, S Mastrotheodoros, ...
Well-being of youth and emerging adults across cultures: Novel approaches …, 2017
Childhood maltreatment mediates the effect of the genetic background on psychosis risk in young adults
M Marchi, L Elkrief, A Alkema, W van Gastel, CD Schubart, KR van Eijk, ...
Translational psychiatry 12 (1), 219, 2022
Explaining Heterogeneity of Daily Conflict Spillover in the Family: The Role of Dyadic Marital Conflict Patterns
S Mastrotheodoros, L Papp, J Van der Graaff, M Dekovic, W Meeus, ...
Family Process, https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12648, 2021
Goal orientation profiles, academic achievement and well-being of adolescents in Greece
S Mastrotheodoros, MA Talias, F Motti-Stefanidi
Well-Being of Youth and Emerging Adults across Cultures, 105-120, 2017
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