Interactions of bacteria, fungi, and their nematode grazers: effects on nutrient cycling and plant growth RE Ingham, JA Trofymow, ER Ingham, DC Coleman Ecological monographs 55 (1), 119-140, 1985 | 1553 | 1985 |
The detrital food web in a shortgrass prairie HW Hunt, DC Coleman, ER Ingham, RE Ingham, ET Elliott, JC Moore, ... Biology and Fertility of Soils 3, 57-68, 1987 | 899 | 1987 |
Nitrogen limitation of production and decomposition in prairie, mountain meadow, and pine forest HW Hunt, ER Ingham, DC Coleman, ET Elliott, CPP Reid Ecology 69 (4), 1009-1016, 1988 | 407 | 1988 |
The compost tea brewing manual E Ingham Soil Foodweb Incorporated, 2005 | 315 | 2005 |
Soil fungi: relationships between hyphal activity and staining with fluorescein diacetate ER Ingham, DA Klein Soil Biology and Biochemistry 16 (3), 273-278, 1984 | 200 | 1984 |
Earthworm activity affects soil aggregation and organic matter dynamics according to the quality and localization of crop residues-An experimental study (Madagascar). B Udom, A Benwari, S Onder, S Dursun, S Gezgin, A Demirbas, A Nair, ... Asian Journal of Biological Sciences 12 (4), 145-154, 2007 | 146 | 2007 |
Trophic interactions and nitrogen cycling in a semi-arid grassland soil. I. Seasonal dynamics of the natural populations, their interactions and effects on nitrogen cycling ER Ingham, JA Trofymow, RN Ames, HW Hunt, CR Morley, JC Moore, ... Journal of Applied Ecology, 597-614, 1986 | 142 | 1986 |
Effects of streptomycin, cycloheximide, fungizone, captan, carbofuran, cygon, and PCNB on soil microorganisms ER Ingham, DC Coleman Microbial Ecology 10, 345-358, 1984 | 131 | 1984 |
An analysis of food-web structure and function in a shortgrass prairie, a mountain meadow, and a lodgepole pine forest ER Ingham, DC Coleman, JC Moore Biology and Fertility of Soils 8, 29-37, 1989 | 128 | 1989 |
Population responses of target and non-target forest soil organisms to selected biocides C Colinas, E Ingham, R Molina Soil Biology and Biochemistry 26 (1), 41-47, 1994 | 118 | 1994 |
Trophic interactions and nitrogen cycling in a semi-arid grassland soil. II. System responses to removal of different groups of soil microbes or fauna ER Ingham, JA Trofymow, RN Ames, HW Hunt, CR Morley, JC Moore, ... Journal of Applied Ecology, 615-630, 1986 | 117 | 1986 |
Soil biology primer ER Ingham, AR Moldenke, CA Edwards Soil and Water Conservation Society in cooperation with the USDA Natural …, 2000 | 111 | 2000 |
Bacterial, fungal and protozoan responses to chloroform fumigation in stored soil ER Ingham, KA Horton Soil Biology and Biochemistry 19 (5), 545-550, 1987 | 106 | 1987 |
Ultraviolet-induced autofluorescence of arbuscular mycorrhizal root infections: an alternative to clearing and staining methods for assessing infections RN Ames, ER Ingham, CPP Reid Canadian Journal of Microbiology 28 (3), 351-355, 1982 | 106 | 1982 |
A comparison of agar film techniques for estimating fungal biovolumes in litter and soil DJ Lodge, ER Ingham Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 34 (1-4), 131-144, 1991 | 102 | 1991 |
Use of staining and inhibitors to separate fungal and bacterial activity in soil S Stamatiadis, JW Doran, ER Ingham Soil Biology and Biochemistry 22 (1), 81-88, 1990 | 98 | 1990 |
Inter- and intraspecific feeding selectivity of Folsomia candida (Willem) (Collembola, Isotomidae) on fungi JC Moore, ER Ingham, DC Coleman Biology and Fertility of Soils 5 (1), 6-12, 1987 | 98 | 1987 |
Compost Tea E Ingham Part I. BioCycle 40, 74-5, 1999 | 97* | 1999 |
Comparison of direct vs fumigation incubation microbial biomass estimates from ectomycorrhizal mat and non-mat soils ER Ingham, RP Griffiths, K Cromack, JA Entry Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23 (5), 465-471, 1991 | 89 | 1991 |