Constanze Eib
Sustainable return to work: a systematic review focusing on personal and social factors
A Etuknwa, K Daniels, C Eib
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 29, 679-700, 2019
Organizational justice and health: Studying mental preoccupation with work and social support as mediators for lagged and reversed relationships.
C Eib, C Bernhard-Oettel, LL Magnusson Hanson, C Leineweber
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 23 (4), 553, 2018
Entrepreneurship during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A global study of entrepreneurs' challenges, resilience, and well-being
U Stephan, P Zbierowski, A Pérez-Luño, A Klausen, MA Cabañas, E Barki, ...
Act or wait-and-see? Adversity, agility, and entrepreneur wellbeing across countries during the Covid-19 pandemic
U Stephan, P Zbierowski, A Pérez-Luño, D Wach, J Wiklund, ...
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 47 (3), 682-723, 2023
Don’t let it get to you! A moderated mediated approach to the (in) justice–health relationship.
C Eib, U von Thiele Schwarz, V Blom
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 20 (4), 434, 2015
Is female entrepreneurship only empowering for single women? Evidence from France and Germany
C Eib, S Siegert
Social sciences 8 (4), 128, 2019
The cost of injustice: overall justice, emotional exhaustion, and performance among entrepreneurs: do founders fare better?
G Soenen, C Eib, O Torrès
Small Business Economics 53, 355-368, 2019
Not all are equal: a latent profile analysis of well-being among the self-employed
A Bujacz, C Eib, S Toivanen
Journal of Happiness Studies 21 (5), 1661-1680, 2020
Is interpersonal justice related to group and organizational turnover? Results from a Swedish panel study
C Leineweber, P Peristera, C Bernhard-Oettel, C Eib
Social Science & Medicine 265, 113526, 2020
The mediating effect of exhaustion in the relationship between effort-reward imbalance and turnover intentions: a 4-year longitudinal study from Sweden
C Leineweber, C Bernhard-Oettel, C Eib, P Peristera, J Li
Journal of Occupational Health 63 (1), e12203, 2021
Interactional justice at work is related to sickness absence: a study using repeated measures in the Swedish working population
C Leineweber, C Bernhard-Oettel, P Peristera, C Eib, A Nyberg, ...
BMC public health 17, 1-10, 2017
How do job insecurity and organizational justice relate to depressive symptoms and sleep difficulties: A multilevel study on immediate and prolonged effects in Swedish workers
C Bernhard‐Oettel, C Eib, Y Griep, C Leineweber
Applied psychology 69 (4), 1271-1300, 2020
Trajectories of effort-reward imbalance in Swedish workers: differences in demographic and work-related factors and associations with health
C Leineweber, C Eib, C Bernhard-Oettel, A Nyberg
Work & Stress 34 (3), 238-258, 2020
Processes of organizational justice: Insights into the perception and enactment of justice
C Eib
Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, 2015
Can lifestyle preferences help explain the persistent gender gap in academia? The “mothers work less” hypothesis supported for German but not for US early career researchers
M Sieverding, C Eib, AB Neubauer, T Stahl
PLoS One 13 (8), e0202728, 2018
The influence of and change in procedural justice on self-rated health trajectories: Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health results
C Leineweber, C Eib, P Peristera, C Bernhard-Oettel
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 320-328, 2016
The interaction between organizational justice and job characteristics: Associations with work attitudes and employee health cross-sectionally and over time
C Eib, C Bernhard-Oettel, K Näswall, M Sverke
Economic and Industrial Democracy 36 (3), 549-582, 2015
Recessionary changes at work and employee well-being: The protective roles of national and workplace institutions
C Ogbonnaya, P Gahan, C Eib
European Journal of Industrial Relations 25 (4), 377-393, 2019
Influence of judges' behaviors on perceived procedural justice
S Beier, C Eib, V Oehmann, P Fiedler, K Fiedler
Journal of applied social psychology 44 (1), 46-59, 2014
Just what I see? Implications of congruence between supervisors’ and employees’ perceptions of pay justice for employees’ work-related attitudes and behaviors
S Malmrud, H Falkenberg, C Eib, J Hellgren, M Sverke
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2069, 2020
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