Which public goods are endangered?: How evolving communication technologies affect the logic of collective action A Lupia, G Sin Public choice 117 (3), 315-331, 2003 | 370 | 2003 |
Congreso, presidencia y justicia en Argentina NG Molinelli, MV Palanza, G Sin Temas, 1999 | 339* | 1999 |
Were Bush tax cut supporters “simply ignorant?” A second look at conservatives and liberals in “Homer gets a tax cut” A Lupia, AS Levine, JO Menning, G Sin Perspectives on Politics 5 (4), 773-784, 2007 | 103 | 2007 |
Preference vote and intra-party competition in open list PR systems JA Cheibub, G Sin Journal of Theoretical Politics 32 (1), 70-95, 2020 | 74* | 2020 |
Policy tragedy and the emergence of regulation: The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 D Carpenter, G Sin Studies in American Political Development 21 (2), 149-180, 2007 | 68* | 2007 |
Separation of Powers and Legislative Organization G Sin Cambridge University Press, 2015 | 52* | 2015 |
Veto Bargaining and the Legislative Process in Multiparty Presidential Systems G Sin, V Palanza Comparative Political Studies, 2013 | 45* | 2013 |
Partidos provinciales y gobierno nacional en el Congreso (1983-1995) G Sin, MV Palanza Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político 5, 46-94, 1997 | 39 | 1997 |
Legislatures and executive vetoes V Palanza, G Sin Handbook of Parliamentary Studies, 367-387, 2020 | 35* | 2020 |
The study of legislative committees BJ Gaines, M Goodwin, SH Bates, G Sin The journal of legislative studies 25 (3), 331-339, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Item Vetoes and Attempts to Override Them in Multiparty Legislatures V Palanza, S Gisela Journal of Politics in Latin America 5 (1), 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Dynamic party system fragmentation JA Cheibub, T Moreira, G Sin, K Tanabe Electoral Studies 76, 102440, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
How the Senate and the President affect the timing of power-sharing rule changes in the US House G Sin, A Lupia The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 29 (6), 1184-1216, 2013 | 16* | 2013 |
A bouncy house? UK select committee newsworthiness, 2005–18 BJ Gaines, M Goodwin, SH Bates, G Sin The Journal of Legislative Studies 25 (3), 409-433, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Conclusion: prospects for analysing committees in comparative perspective BJ Gaines, M Goodwin, SH Bates, G Sin The Journal of legislative studies 25 (3), 434-441, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Presidents on the fast track: Fighting floor amendments with restrictive rules E Magar, V Palanza, G Sin The Journal of Politics 83 (2), 633-646, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Joining the Tea Party Caucus: A Survival Strategy DJ Hendry, G Sin Working Paper. URL: http://publish. illinois. edu/giselasin/files/2014/08 …, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Apuntes sobre la historia política de la Coparticipación Federal de Impuestos en la Argentina Palanza, Sin | 5 | 1998 |
Line‐item vetoes as a coordination mechanism V Palanza, G Sin, E Reynolds Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2024 | 2* | 2024 |
Women in Legislative Studies: Addressing Gender Gaps in a Political Science Subfield E Powell, L Schwindt-Bayer, G Sin Political Science Now., 2021 | 2 | 2021 |