Sebastiano Sabato
Sebastiano Sabato
Senior Researcher, European Social Observatory
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Social Investment in Europe, a study of national policies
D Bouget, H Frazer, E Marlier, S Sabato, B Vanhercke
HAL Post-Print, 2015
The European Commission’s entrepreneurship and the social dimension of the European Semester: from the European Pillar of Social Rights to the Covid-19 pandemic
P Vesan, F Corti, S Sabato
Comparative European Politics 19 (3), 277, 2021
A socially just transition through the European Green Deal?
S Sabato, B Fronteddu
ETUI Research Paper-Working Paper, 2020
Connecting entrepreneurship with policy experimentation? The EU framework for social innovation
S Sabato, B Vanhercke, G Verschraegen
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 30 (2), 147-167, 2017
Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis
I Baptista, E Marlier, S Spasova, R Peña-Casas, B Fronteddu, D Ghailani, ...
An analysis of policies in 35, 2021
Towards a European Pillar of Social Rights: from a preliminary outline to a Commission Recommendation
S Sabato, B Vanhercke
Social policy in the European Union: state of play, 73-96, 2017
The EU framework for social innovation: between entrepreneurship and policy experimentation
S Sabato, B Vanhercke, G Verschraegen
The times they are a-changin’? The European pillar of social rights from debates to reality check
S Sabato, F Corti
Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2018, 51-72, 2018
Non-standard workers and the self-employed in the EU: social protection during the Covid-19 pandemic
S Spasova, D Ghailani, S Sabato, S Coster, B Fronteddu, B Vanhercke
ETUI Research Paper-Report, 2021
Social investment in Europe
D Bouget, H Frazer, E Marlier, S Sabato, B Vanhercke
A study of national policies, 2015
About the baby and the bathwater: assessing the European Platform against Poverty
S Sabato, B Vanhercke
ETUI Working Paper 2014.09, 2014
Listened to, but not heard? Social partners' multilevel involvement in the European Semester
S Sebato, B Vanhercke
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper 35, 2017
Integrating the European Pillar of Social Rights into the roadmap for deepening Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union
S Sabato, F Corti, B Vanhercke, S Spasova
Brussels: European Economic and Social Committee, 2019
Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into the European Semester: a governance conundrum for the von der Leyen Commission?
S Sabato, M Mandelli
Social policy in the European Union: state of play, 113-127, 2020
The socio-ecological dimension of the EU recovery: From the European Green Deal to the recovery and resilience facility
S Sabato, M Mandelli, B Vanhercke
EUROsociAL Collection 24, 2021
Europe 2020 and the fight against poverty: searching for coherence and effectiveness in multilevel policy arenas
C Agostini, S Sabato, M Jessoula
LPF WORKING PAPERS 3, 54-144, 2013
Towards a European minimum income
R Peña-Casas, D Ghailani, S Sabato, I Nicaise
European Economic and Social Committee Report No. EESC/COMM/03/2013 …, 2013
EU economic governance and the socio-ecological transition: Towards a more sustainable European semester?
M Mandelli, S Sabato, M Jessoula
Social policies 8 (3), 619-638, 2021
The European Pillar of Social Rights as a game changer
B Vanhercke
ETUI; Brussels, 2018
the EU’s potential for promoting an ecosocial agenda
S Sabato, M Mandelli
European Social Observatory, 2018
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