Dr Janine Delahunty
“I ‘feel’like I am at university even though I am online.” Exploring how students narrate their engagement with higher education institutions in an online learning environment
S O’Shea, C Stone, J Delahunty
Distance Education 36 (1), 41-58, 2015
Socio-emotional connections: Identity, belonging and learning in online interactions. A literature review
J Delahunty, I Verenikina, P Jones
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 23 (2), 243-265, 2014
Opportunity through online learning: Experiences of first-in-family students in online open-entry higher education Cathy Stone, Sarah O'Shea, Josephine May, Janine Delahunty …
C Stone, S O'Shea, J May, J Delahunty, Z Partington
Australian Journal of Adult Learning 56 (2), 146-169, 2016
First-in-family students, university experience and family life: Motivations, transitions and participation
S O'Shea, J May, C Stone, J Delahunty
Springer Nature, 2024
Getting through the day and still having a smile on my face! How do students define success in the university learning environment?
S O'Shea, J Delahunty
Higher Education Research & Development 37 (5), 1062-1075, 2018
‘Who am I?’: Exploring identity in online discussion forums
J Delahunty
International Journal of Educational Research 53, 407-420, 2012
Connecting to learn, learning to connect: Thinking together in asynchronous forum discussion
J Delahunty
Linguistics and Education 46, 12-22, 2018
Discourses of betterment and opportunity: Exploring the privileging of university attendance for first-in-family learners
S O’Shea, C Stone, J Delahunty, J May
Studies in Higher Education 43 (6), 1020-1033, 2018
Movers and shapers: Teaching in online environments
J Delahunty, P Jones, I Verenikina
Linguistics and Education 28, 54-78, 2014
‘Learning to leave’or ‘striving to stay’: Considering the desires and decisions of rural young people in relation to post-schooling futures
S O'Shea, E Southgate, A Jardine, J Delahunty
Emotion, Space and Society 32, 100587, 2019
The guide to fostering asynchronous online discussion in higher education
I Verenikina, PT Jones, J Delahunty
Seeking the passionate career: first‐in‐family enabling students and the idea of the Australian university
J May, J Delahunty, S O'Shea, C Stone
Higher Education Quarterly 70 (4), 384-399, 2016
Breaking the barriers: Supporting and engaging mature age first-in-family university learners and their families
S O’Shea, J May, C Stone, J Delahunty
Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching Seed Project Grant …, 2015
A vision of You-topia: Personalising professional development of teaching in a diverse academic workforce.
L Thomas, K Harden-Thew, J Delahunty, BA Dean
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 13 (4), 5, 2016
Don’t let anyone bring me down again’: applying ‘possible selves’ to understanding persistence of mature-age first-in-family students
J Delahunty, S O’Shea
Higher Education Research & Development 40 (3), 461-475, 2021
Constraints preventing Chinese EFL teachers from putting their stated beliefs into teaching practice
L Shi, J Delahunty, X Gao
Professional Development in Education 45 (5), 774-789, 2019
An Aboriginal way towards curriculum reconciliation
J Kennedy, L Thomas, A Percy, B Dean, J Delahunty, K Harden-Thew, ...
International Journal for Academic Development 24 (2), 148-162, 2019
‘I’m happy, and I’m passing. That’s all that matters!’: exploring discourses of university academic success through linguistic analysis
J Delahunty, S O’Shea
Language and Education 33 (4), 302-321, 2019
Artificial Intelligence to enhance learning design in UOW online, a unified approach to fully online learning
RLL Sie, J Delahunty, K Bell, A Percy, B Rienties, T Cao, M De Laat
2018 IEEE international conference on teaching, assessment, and learning for …, 2018
Jindaola: An Aboriginal way of embedding knowledges and perspectives
JE Kennedy, LK Thomas, AJ Percy, J Delahunty, K Harden-Thew, ...
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