Julie Qiaojin Lin
Julie Qiaojin Lin
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), University of Cambridge
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ALS/FTD mutation-induced phase transition of FUS liquid droplets and reversible hydrogels into irreversible hydrogels impairs RNP granule function
T Murakami, S Qamar, JQ Lin, GSK Schierle, E Rees, A Miyashita, ...
Neuron 88 (4), 678-690, 2015
FUS phase separation is modulated by a molecular chaperone and methylation of arginine cation-π interactions
S Qamar, GZ Wang, SJ Randle, FS Ruggeri, JA Varela, JQ Lin, ...
Cell 173 (3), 720-734. e15, 2018
Dynamic axonal translation in developing and mature visual circuits
T Shigeoka, H Jung, J Jung, B Turner-Bridger, J Ohk, JQ Lin, PS Amieux, ...
Cell 166 (1), 181-192, 2016
Late endosomes act as mRNA translation platforms and sustain mitochondria in axons
JM Cioni, JQ Lin, AV Holtermann, M Koppers, MAH Jakobs, A Azizi, ...
Cell 176 (1-2), 56-72. e15, 2019
RNA docking and local translation regulate site-specific axon remodeling in vivo
HHW Wong, JQ Lin, F Ströhl, CG Roque, JM Cioni, R Cagnetta, ...
Neuron 95 (4), 852-868. e8, 2017
On-site ribosome remodeling by locally synthesized ribosomal proteins in axons
T Shigeoka, M Koppers, HHW Wong, JQ Lin, R Cagnetta, A Dwivedy, ...
Cell reports 29 (11), 3605-3619. e10, 2019
The structure and global distribution of the endoplasmic reticulum network are actively regulated by lysosomes
M Lu, FW van Tartwijk, JQ Lin, W Nijenhuis, P Parutto, M Fantham, ...
Science advances 6 (51), eabc7209, 2020
The physiological and pathological biophysics of phase separation and gelation of RNA binding proteins in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and fronto-temporal lobar degeneration
P St George-Hyslop, JQ Lin, A Miyashita, EC Phillips, S Qamar, ...
Brain research 1693, 11-23, 2018
Receptor-specific interactome as a hub for rapid cue-induced selective translation in axons
M Koppers, R Cagnetta, T Shigeoka, LCS Wunderlich, P Vallejo-Ramirez, ...
Elife 8, e48718, 2019
Single molecule translation imaging visualizes the dynamics of local β-actin synthesis in retinal axons
F Ströhl, JQ Lin, RF Laine, HHW Wong, V Urbančič, R Cagnetta, CE Holt, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 709, 2017
Cue-polarized transport of β-actin mRNA depends on 3′ UTR and microtubules in live growth cones
KM Leung, B Lu, HHW Wong, JQ Lin, B Turner-Bridger, CE Holt
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 12, 2018
Tumor protein Tctp regulates axon development in the embryonic visual system
CG Roque, HHW Wong, JQ Lin, CE Holt
Development 143 (7), 1134-1148, 2016
Axonal mRNA translation in neurological disorders
JQ Lin, FW van Tartwijk, CE Holt
RNA biology, 1-26, 2020
A waveguide imaging platform for live‐cell TIRF imaging of neurons over large fields of view
IS Opstad, F Ströhl, M Fantham, C Hockings, O Vanderpoorten, ...
Journal of Biophotonics 13 (6), e201960222, 2020
HNRNPH1 regulates the neuroprotective cold‐shock protein RBM3 expression through poison exon exclusion
JQ Lin, D Khuperkar, S Pavlou, S Makarchuk, N Patikas, FCY Lee, ...
The EMBO Journal 42 (14), e113168, 2023
Enrichment of the local synaptic translatome for genetic risk associated with schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder
NE Clifton, JQ Lin, CE Holt, MC O’Donovan, J Mill
Biological Psychiatry 95 (9), 888-895, 2024
Live Imaging of RNA Transport and Translation in Xenopus Retinal Axons
JQ Lin, JM Cioni
Axonal Transport: Methods and Protocols, 49-69, 2022
Mutation of the ALS/FTD-associated RNA-binding protein FUS affects axonal development.
FWV Tartwijk, LCS Wunderlich, I Mela, S Makarchuk, MAH Jakobs, ...
The Journal of Neuroscience: the Official Journal of the Society for …, 2024
Mutation of the ALS/FTD-associated RNA-binding protein FUS alters axonal cytoskeletal organisation
FW van Tartwijk, LCS Wunderlich, I Mela, S Makarchuk, MAH Jakobs, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.10. 04.510780, 2022
Isolating and Characterizing the Translatome From Human Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Brains
MA Bangash, JQ Lin
BJPsych Open 10 (S1), S20-S21, 2024
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