Yuran Zhang(张毓然)
The EGS collab project: Learnings from Experiment 1
TJ Kneafsey, D Blankenship, PF Dobson, JP Morris, MD White, P Fu, ...
Proceedings of the 45th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 10-12, 2020
Characterization of flow and transport in a fracture network at the EGS Collab field experiment through stochastic modeling of tracer recovery
H Wu, P Fu, JP Morris, ED Mattson, G Neupane, MM Smith, AJ Hawkins, ...
Journal of Hydrology 593, 125888, 2021
The necessity for iteration in the application of numerical simulation to EGS: Examples from the EGS Collab test bed 1
M White, T Johnson, T Kneafsey, D Blankenship, P Fu, H Wu, A Ghassemi, ...
Proceedings of the 44th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2019
Microbial community composition in deep‐subsurface reservoir fluids reveals natural interwell connectivity
Y Zhang, AE Dekas, AJ Hawkins, AE Parada, O Gorbatenko, K Li, ...
Water Resources Research 56 (2), e2019WR025916, 2020
DNA tracer transport through porous media—The effect of DNA length and adsorption
Y Zhang, MB Hartung, AJ Hawkins, AE Dekas, K Li, RN Horne
Water Resources Research 57 (2), 2020WR028382, 2021
Geological activity shapes the microbiome in deep-subsurface aquifers by advection
Y Zhang, RN Horne, AJ Hawkins, JC Primo, O Gorbatenko, AE Dekas
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (25), e2113985119, 2022
Characterizing fracture flow in EGS Collab experiment based on stochastic modeling of tracer recovery
H Wu, P Fu, JP Morris, ED Mattson, AJ Hawkins, Y Zhang, RR Settgast, ...
Proceedings of the 44th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2019
DNA-Encapsulated Silica Nanoparticle Tracers for Fracture Characterization
Y Zhang, TS Manley, K Li, RN Horne
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 39, 2015
Study on flotation properties of emulsified diesel oil
X Weiwei, H Kaiwu, W Donghui, Z Yuran, L Xiu
Energy Procedia 14, 750-755, 2012
Experimental study on nano-/microparticles transport to characterize structures in fractured porous media
A Suzuki, J Cui, Y Zhang, S Uehara, K Li, RN Horne, T Ito
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53, 4357-4365, 2020
Preliminary Collab fracture characterization results from flow and tracer testing efforts
ED Mattson, Y Zhang, A Hawkins, T Johnson, J Ajo-Franklin, ...
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2019
DNA Barcoding for fractured reservoir analysis–an initial investigation
Y Zhang, Z Zeng, K Li, RN Horne
Proceedings of the 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2017
Uniquely identifiable DNA-embedded silica nanotracer for fractured reservoir characterization
Y Zhang, TS Manley, K Li, RN Horne
Proceedings of the 41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2016
DNA-Based Tracers for the Characterization of Hydrogeological Systems—Recent Advances and New Frontiers
Y Zhang, T Huang
Water 14 (21), 3545, 2022
Stochastic modeling of a conservative tracer test for the characterization of fracture flow patterns in EGS Collab Experiment 1
H Wu, P Fu, JP Morris, RR Settgast, FJ Ryerson, ED Mattson, AJ Hawkins, ...
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2019-1807, 2019
Long-Term Microbial DNA-Based Monitoring of the Mature Sarukawa Oil Field in Japan
H Kobayashi, A Goto, X Feng, K Uruma, Y Momoi, S Watanabe, K Sato, ...
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 1-10, 2023
DNA-Encapsulated Silica Nanoparticle Tracers for Fractured Reservoir Characterization
Y Zhang
Master's Thesis, Stanford University, 2015
Methods for Selective Plugging of Geothermal ‘Short Circuits.’
M Plummer, E Mattson, Y Zhang, Y Xia
Proceedings, 42nd Workshop of Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 1-8, 2017
Comparison of Microbial Profiling and Tracer Testing for the Characterization of Injector-Producer Interwell Connectivities
Y Zhang, AE Dekas, AJ Hawkins, JC Primo, O Gorbatenko, RN Horne
Water 14 (18), 2921, 2022
The EGS collab project: Stimulating and simulating experiments in crystalline rock in an underground research site
T Kneafsey, D Blankenship, PF Dobson, J Morris, P Fu, M White, ...
文章 1–20