The effect of audit quality on earnings management CL Becker, ML DeFond, J Jiambalvo, KR Subramanyam Contemporary accounting research 15 (1), 1-24, 1998 | 5636 | 1998 |
The pricing of discretionary accruals KR Subramanyam Journal of accounting and economics 22 (1-3), 249-281, 1996 | 3018 | 1996 |
Financial statement analysis KR Subramanyam McGraw-Hill, 2014 | 2534 | 2014 |
Do non–audit service fees impair auditor independence? Evidence from going concern audit opinions ML DeFond, K Raghunandan, KR Subramanyam Journal of accounting research 40 (4), 1247-1274, 2002 | 2125 | 2002 |
Analisis laporan keuangan KR Subramayan Salemba Empat, 2010 | 1558 | 2010 |
Auditor changes and discretionary accruals ML DeFond, KR Subramanyam Journal of accounting and Economics 25 (1), 35-67, 1998 | 1509 | 1998 |
Financial statement effects of adopting international accounting standards: the case of Germany M Hung, KR Subramanyam Review of accounting studies 12, 623-657, 2007 | 1387 | 2007 |
Wild. 2010 KR Subramanyam, J John Analisis laporan keuangan 10, 2015 | 888 | 2015 |
Is comprehensive income superior to net income as a measure of firm performance? D Dhaliwal, KR Subramanyam, R Trezevant Journal of Accounting and Economics 26 (1-3), 43-67, 1999 | 784 | 1999 |
Regulation FD and the financial information environment: Early evidence F Heflin, KR Subramanyam, Y Zhang The Accounting Review 78 (1), 1-37, 2003 | 725 | 2003 |
Internal control weakness and cost of equity: Evidence from SOX Section 404 disclosures M Ogneva, KR Subramanyam, K Raghunandan The Accounting Review 82 (5), 1255-1297, 2007 | 711 | 2007 |
Analisis laporan keuangan JJ Wild, KR Subramanyam, RF Halsey Edisi Delapan, Buku Kesatu. Alih Bahasa: Yanivi dan Nurwahyu. Jakarta …, 2005 | 605 | 2005 |
Análisis de estados financieros JJ Wild, KR Subramanyam, RF Halsey McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2007 | 578 | 2007 |
Reporting discretion and private information communication through earnings MR Sankar, KR Subramanyam Journal of accounting research 39 (2), 365-386, 2001 | 388 | 2001 |
Forward-looking MD&A disclosures and the information environment V Muslu, S Radhakrishnan, KR Subramanyam, D Lim Management Science 61 (5), 931-948, 2015 | 346 | 2015 |
Analyst following and credit ratings M Cheng, KR Subramanyam Contemporary Accounting Research 25 (4), 1007-1044, 2008 | 247 | 2008 |
Fair-value pension accounting RN Hann, F Heflin, KR Subramanayam Journal of Accounting and Economics 44 (3), 328-358, 2007 | 244 | 2007 |
Uncertain precision and price reactions to information KR Subramanyam Accounting Review, 207-219, 1996 | 242 | 1996 |
Going‐concern status, earnings persistence, and informativeness of earnings KR Subramanyam, JJ Wild Contemporary Accounting Research 13 (1), 251-273, 1996 | 230 | 1996 |
Earnings, cash flows, and ex post intrinsic value of equity KR Subramanyam, M Venkatachalam The Accounting Review 82 (2), 457-481, 2007 | 202 | 2007 |