Multiple object tracking: A literature review W Luo, J Xing, A Milan, X Zhang, W Liu, X Zhao, TK Kim Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 2021 | 1024 | 2021 |
Discriminative learning and recognition of image set classes using canonical correlations TK Kim, J Kittler, R Cipolla IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 29 (6), 1005-1018, 2007 | 745 | 2007 |
First-person hand action benchmark with RGB-D videos and 3D hand pose annotations G Garcia-Hernando, S Yuan, S Baek, TK Kim Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Salt …, 2018 | 541 | 2018 |
Latent Regression Forest: Structured Estimation of 3D Articulated Hand Posture D Tang, HJ Chang, A Tejani, TK Kim IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014 | 475 | 2014 |
Tensor canonical correlation analysis for action classification TK Kim, SF Wong, R Cipolla 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2007 | 464 | 2007 |
BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation T Hodan, F Michel, E Brachmann, W Kehl, A Glent Buch, D Kraft, B Drost, ... Proc. of European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV), Munich, Germany, 2018 | 442 | 2018 |
Locally linear discriminant analysis for multimodally distributed classes for face recognition with a single model image TK Kim, J Kittler IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 27 (3), 318-327, 2005 | 386 | 2005 |
Canonical correlation analysis of video volume tensors for action categorization and detection TK Kim, R Cipolla IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31 (8), 1415-1428, 2009 | 366 | 2009 |
Canonical correlation analysis of video volume tensors for action categorization and detection TK Kim, R Cipolla IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31 (8), 1415-1428, 2008 | 366 | 2008 |
Latent-class hough forests for 3d object detection and pose estimation A Tejani, D Tang, R Kouskouridas, TK Kim Computer Vision–ECCV 2014: 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland …, 2014 | 333 | 2014 |
Real-time articulated hand pose estimation using semi-supervised transductive regression forests D Tang, TH Yu, TK Kim Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 3224-3231, 2013 | 290 | 2013 |
Bighand2. 2m benchmark: Hand pose dataset and state of the art analysis S Yuan, Q Ye, B Stenger, S Jain, TK Kim Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017 | 288 | 2017 |
Learning motion categories using both semantic and structural information SF Wong, TK Kim, R Cipolla Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007. CVPR'07. IEEE Conference on, 1-6, 2007 | 287 | 2007 |
Depth-based 3d hand pose estimation: From current achievements to future goals S Yuan, G Garcia-Hernando, B Stenger, G Moon, JY Chang, KM Lee, ... Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Salt …, 2018 | 265 | 2018 |
Recovering 6D object pose and predicting next-best-view in the crowd A Doumanoglou, R Kouskouridas, S Malassiotis, TK Kim Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016 | 252 | 2016 |
Recovering 6D object pose and predicting next-best-view in the crowd A Doumanoglou, R Kouskouridas, S Malassiotis, TK Kim Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016 | 252 | 2016 |
Pushing the Envelope for RGB-based Dense 3D Hand Pose Estimation via Neural Rendering S Baek, KI Kim, TK Kim Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2019 | 231 | 2019 |
Fast violence detection in video O Deniz, I Serrano, G Bueno, TK Kim 2014 international conference on computer vision theory and applications …, 2014 | 181 | 2014 |
Spatial attention deep net with partial pso for hierarchical hybrid hand pose estimation Q Ye, S Yuan, TK Kim Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016 | 180 | 2016 |
Real-time Action Recognition by Spatiotemporal Semantic and Structural Forests. TH Yu, TK Kim, R Cipolla BMVC 2 (5), 6, 2010 | 178 | 2010 |