Ning Xiang
Ning Xiang
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Student engagement as a mediator of the effects of socio‐economic status on academic performance among secondary school students in Australia
W Tomaszewski, N Xiang, M Western
British Educational Research Journal 46 (3), 610-630, 2020
Timing of return to work and breastfeeding in Australia
N Xiang, M Zadoroznyj, W Tomaszewski, B Martin
Pediatrics 137 (6), 2016
PPL evaluation
University of Queensland. Institute for Social Science Research, B Martin, ...
Department of Social Services, 2015
Career guidance, school experiences and the university participation of young people from low socio-economic backgrounds
W Tomaszewski, F Perales, N Xiang
International Journal of Educational Research 85, 11-23, 2017
Beyond graduation: Socio-economic background and post-university outcomes of Australian graduates
W Tomaszewski, F Perales, N Xiang, M Kubler
Research in higher education 62 (1), 26-44, 2021
Paid parental leave evaluation: phase 2 report
B Martin, M Yerkes, B Hewitt, M Baird, AE Jones, E Rose, J Rose, K Davis, ...
Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services …, 2013
Paid parental leave evaluation: Phase 1
B Martin, B Hewitt, M Baird, J Baxter, A Heron, G Whitehouse, ...
University Of Tasmania, 2012
The benefits and penalties of formal and informal flexible working-time arrangements: evidence from a cohort study of Australian mothers
N Xiang, G Whitehouse, W Tomaszewski, B Martin
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (14), 2939-2960, 2022
The impact of effective teaching practices on academic achievement when mediated by student engagement: Evidence from Australian high schools
W Tomaszewski, N Xiang, Y Huang, M Western, B McCourt, I McCarthy
Education Sciences 12 (5), 358, 2022
Review of identified equity groups
W Tomaszewski, M Kubler, F Perales, M Western, T Rampino, N Xiang
Institute for Social Science Research, 2018
Developing an effective homelessness workforce
B Martin, R Phillips, N Xiang
Institute for Social Science Research, 2012
Investigating the effects of cumulative factors of disadvantage
W Tomaszewski, M Kubler, F Perales, D Clague, N Xiang, M Johnstone
Institute for Social Science Research, 2020
School experiences, career guidance, and the university participation of young people from three equity groups in Australia
W Tomaszewski, F Perales, N Xiang
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, 2017
Student mental health and dropout from higher education: an analysis of Australian administrative data
T Zając, F Perales, W Tomaszewski, N Xiang, SR Zubrick
Higher Education 87 (2), 325-343, 2024
Beyond graduation: Long-term socioeconomic outcomes amongst equity students
W Tomaszewski, F Perales, N Xiang, M Kubler
WA: National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, 2019
Differences in higher education access, participation and outcomes by socioeconomic background: A life course perspective
W Tomaszewski, F Perales, N Xiang, M Kubler
Family Dynamics over the Life Course: Foundations, Turning Points and …, 2022
Understanding access to higher education amongst humanitarian migrants in Australia
F Perales, M Kubler, N Xiang, W Tomaszewski
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education. Retrieved March 2, 2022, 2021
Paid Parental Leave evaluation: Phase 1 (Occasional Paper No. 44)
B Martin, B Hewitt, M Baird, J Baxter, A Heron, G Whitehouse, ...
Canberra, FaHCSIA, 2012
School climate, student engagement and academic achievement across school sectors in Australia
W Tomaszewski, N Xiang, Y Huang
The Australian Educational Researcher 51 (2), 667-695, 2024
Diverging labour market trajectories of Australian graduates from advantaged and disadvantaged social backgrounds: A longitudinal analysis of population‐wide linked …
T Zając, W Tomaszewski, F Perales, N Xiang
International Labour Review 162 (4), 561-585, 2023
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