Understanding syntax M Tallerman Routledge, 2019 | 763 | 2019 |
The Oxford handbook of language evolution M Tallerman, KR Gibson Oxford University Press, 2011 | 310 | 2011 |
The syntax of Welsh RD Borsley, M Tallerman, D Willis Cambridge University Press, 2007 | 243 | 2007 |
Language origins: Perspectives on evolution M Tallerman OUP Oxford, 2005 | 165 | 2005 |
Did our ancestors speak a holistic protolanguage? M Tallerman Lingua 117 (3), 579-604, 2007 | 161 | 2007 |
The uniform case-licensing of subjects in Welsh M Tallerman Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 15 (1), 69-133, 1998 | 67 | 1998 |
Phrases and soft mutation in Welsh RD Borsley, M Tallerman Journal of Celtic linguistics 5, 1-49, 1996 | 63 | 1996 |
Protolanguage M Tallerman | 49 | 2011 |
No syntax saltation in language evolution M Tallerman Language Sciences 46, 207-219, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
VSO word order and consonantal mutation in Welsh M Tallerman Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 28 (3), 389-416, 1990 | 39 | 1990 |
At the interface: selection of the Welsh definite article SJ Hannahs, M Tallerman Walter de Gruyter 44 (4), 781-816, 2006 | 38 | 2006 |
The syntax of Welsh “direct object mutation” revisited M Tallerman Lingua 116 (11), 1750-1776, 2006 | 37 | 2006 |
Introduction: the evolution of language M Tallerman, KR Gibson | 35 | 2011 |
Fronting constructions in Welsh M Tallerman The syntax of the Celtic languages, 97-124, 1996 | 32 | 1996 |
Relativization strategies: NP accessibility in Welsh M Tallerman Journal of Linguistics 26 (2), 291-314, 1990 | 32 | 1990 |
The Singing Neanderthals: the Origins of Music, Language, Mind and Body, by Steven Mithen. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 2005. ISBN 0-297-64317-7 hardback£ 20 & US $25.2; ix+ … S Mithen, I Morley, A Wray, M Tallerman, C Gamble Cambridge Archaeological Journal 16 (1), 97-112, 2006 | 31 | 2006 |
Island constraints in Welsh M Tallerman York papers in linguistics 10, 197-204, 1983 | 31 | 1983 |
Word order in Celtic M Tallerman EMPIRICAL APPROACHES TO LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY 20, 21-46, 1998 | 24 | 1998 |
Holophrastic protolanguage: Planning, processing, storage, and retrieval M Tallerman Interaction Studies 9 (1), 84-99, 2008 | 23 | 2008 |