Antoine Pennaforte
Antoine Pennaforte
Maître de conférences en GRH, Cnam Lirsa
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The impact of digital communication technologies and new remote-working cultures on the socialization and work-readiness of individuals in WIL programs
T Bowen, A Pennaforte
Work-integrated learning in the 21st century 32, 99-112, 2017
Lifelong learning characteristics, adjustment and extra-role performance in cooperative education
D Drewery, C Nevison, TJ Pretti, A Pennaforte
Journal of Education and Work 30 (3), 299-313, 2017
Examining the influence of selected factors on perceived co-op work term quality from a student perspective
D Drewery, C Nevison, TJ Pretti, L Cormier, S Barclay, A Pennaforte
Asia Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 17 (3), 265-277, 2016
Organizational supports and individuals commitments through work integrated learning
AP Pennaforte
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 6 (1), 89-99, 2016
Developing the Conditions for Co-Op Students' Organizational Commitment through Cooperative Education.
A Pennaforte, TJ Pretti
Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 16 (1), 39-51, 2015
Le développement de l’implication organisationnelle par la formation en alternance, un impact durable sur le turnover dans le monde des services
A Pennaforte
@ GRH, 39-72, 2011
The influence of proactive socialization behaviors and team socialization on individual performance in the team
A Pennaforte
Asia Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 17 (4), 413-442, 2016
Building multi-target commitment through work-integrated learning: The roles of proactive socialization behaviours and organizational socialization domains
A Pennaforte, M Drysdale, TJ Pretti
Revue de gestion des ressources humaines 102 (4), 59-73, 2016
Conceptualizing the quality of cooperative education work term experiences: An exploration from the students’ perspective
D Drewery, TJ Pretti, A Pennaforte
19th WACE World Conference on Copperative and Work-iIntegrated Education …, 2015
Engagement organisationnel et contrat psychologique: une relation en mutation chez les apprentis de l’enseignement supérieur dans le monde des services
A Pennaforte
Question (s) de management, 95-105, 2012
L’impact des comportements proactifs de socialisation sur le développement de relations d’implication sous emplois atypiques
A Pennaforte
Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements …, 2017
Alternance: cultivez les talents de demain 1: Apprentissage, professionnalisation, formation continue...: un système gagnant-gagnant
A Pennaforte, S Pougnet, M Thévenet, C Defelix
Revue internationale de psychosociologie 18 (3), 343-347, 2012
Les fondamentaux de la GRH-2e éd.: 100 défis RH illustrés
A Pennaforte, JL Guignard, JP Herbinier
Dunod, 2022
A behavior focused assessment of coo-op performance: A comparison of co-op and non co-op graduating students
A Pennaforte
Asia Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 17 (1), 61-74, 2016
La relation dialectique d'alternance: l'impact de la formation en alternance sur l'implication organisationnelle et le turnover dans le monde des services
A Pennaforte
Conservatoire national des arts et metiers-CNAM, 2010
Fonctions RH. Des stratégies, métiers et outils en transformation [5e édition]
C Dejoux, A Pennaforte, B Condomines, O Gréselle-Zaïbet, AF Bender, ...
HAL Post-Print, 2020
Lifelong learning and cooperative education
D Drewery, A Pennaforte, TJ Pretti, KE Zegwaard, M Ford, N McRae
World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE), 49, 2016
Le développement de liens d’implication multi-cibles en formation-emploi: le rôle des soutiens organisationnels, du supérieur, et des collègues de travail
A Pennaforte
Gestion 2000 33 (4), 15-35, 2015
Les bénéfices du stage dans le processus de professionnalisation des infirmiers
A Pennaforte
Elsevier Masson, 2018
Manager les formation-emploi pour développer l’implication: le cas du modèle canadien d’éducation coopérative
A Pennaforte 1
Revue management et avenir, 87-106, 2016
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