Brienna Perelli-Harris
Brienna Perelli-Harris
Professor of Demography, University of Southampton
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The educational gradient of childbearing within cohabitation in Europe
B Perelli‐Harris, W Sigle‐Rushton, M Kreyenfeld, T Lappegård, R Keizer, ...
Population and development review 36 (4), 775-801, 2010
How similar are cohabitation and marriage? Legal aprroaches to cohabitation across Western Europe
B Perelli-Harris, N Sánchez Gassen
Population and Development Review 38 (3), 435-467, 2012
Changes in union status during the transition to parenthood in eleven European countries, 1970s to early 2000s
B Perelli-Harris, M Kreyenfeld, W Sigle-Rushton, R Keizer, T Lappegård, ...
Population studies 66 (2), 167-182, 2012
Nonmarital childbearing in Russia: Second demographic transition or pattern of disadvantage?
B Perelli-Harris, TP Gerber
Demography 48, 317-342, 2011
Towards a new understanding of cohabitation: Insights from focus group research across Europe and Australia
B Perelli-Harris, M Mynarska, A Berrington, C Berghammer, A Evans, ...
Demographic research 31, 1043-1078, 2014
The path to lowest-low fertility in Ukraine
B Perelli-Harris
Population Studies 59 (1), 55-70, 2005
Ukraine: On the border between old and new in uncertain times
B Perelli-Harris
Demographic research 19, 1145-1178, 2008
Changes in partnership patterns across the life course: An examination of 14 countries in Europe and the United States
B Perelli-Harris, M Lyons-Amos
Demographic Research 33, 145-178, 2015
The rise in divorce and cohabitation: Is there a link?
B Perelli‐Harris, A Berrington, NS Gassen, P Galezewska, JA Holland
Population and development review 43 (2), 303, 2017
Spatial Aspects of the Rise of Nonmarital Fertility Across Europe Since 1960: The Role of States and Regions in Shaping Patterns of Change/Aspects spatiaux de l'augmentation de …
S Klüsener, B Perelli-Harris, NS Gassen
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de Démographie, 137-165, 2013
The influence of informal work and subjective well-being on childbearing in post-Soviet Russia
B Perelli-Harris
Population and Development Review, 729-753, 2006
The increase in cohabitation and the role of union status in family policies: A comparison of 12 European countries
N Sánchez Gassen, B Perelli-Harris
Journal of European Social Policy 25 (4), 431-449, 2015
Mind the “happiness” gap: The relationship between cohabitation, marriage, and subjective well-being in the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Norway
B Perelli-Harris, S Hoherz, T Lappegård, A Evans
Demography 56 (4), 1219-1246, 2019
Partnership patterns in the United States and across Europe: The role of education and country context
B Perelli-Harris, M Lyons-Amos
Social Forces 95 (1), 251-282, 2016
Commitment and the changing sequence of cohabitation, childbearing, and marriage: Insights from qualitative research in the UK
A Berrington, B Perelli-Harris, P Trevena
Demographic Research 33, 327-362, 2015
Harmonized histories: Manual for the preparation of comparative fertility and union histories
B Perelli-Harris, MR Kreyenfeld, K Kubisch
MPIDR Working Papers, 2010
Exploring social norms around cohabitation: The life course, individualization, and culture Introduction to Special Collection:“Focus on Partnerships: Discourses on …
B Perelli-Harris, L Bernardi
Demographic Research 33, 701-732, 2015
Mental well‐being differences in cohabitation and marriage: The role of childhood selection
B Perelli‐Harris, M Styrc
Journal of Marriage and Family 80 (1), 239-255, 2018
Family formation in post-Soviet Ukraine: Changing effects of education in a period of rapid social change
B Perelli-Harris
Social Forces 87 (2), 767-794, 2008
How similar are cohabiting and married parents? Second conception risks by union type in the United States and across Europe
B Perelli-Harris
European Journal of Population 30 (4), 437-464, 2014
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