Adrian Nur
Adrian Nur
Lecture of Chemical Engineering, Sebelas Maret University
在 staff.uns.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Thermal stability of silica-coated magnetite nanoparticles prepared by an electrochemical method
F Fajaroh, H Setyawan, A Nur, IW Lenggoro
Advanced Powder Technology 24 (2), 507-511, 2013
A fast metals recovery method for the synthesis of lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide material from cathode waste
SU Muzayanha, CS Yudha, A Nur, H Widiyandari, H Haerudin, H Nilasary, ...
Metals 9 (5), 615, 2019
Immobilisasi Limbah Fermentasi Pabrik Alkohol Terhadap Adsorpsi Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd)
A Nur
Ekuilibrium 6 (1), 27-31, 2007
Pengaruh Kondisi Fermentasi terhadap Yield Etanol pada Pembuatan Bioetanol dari Pati Garut
ERDE RD, A Nur, P Paryanto
GEMA TEKNIK Majalah Ilmiah Teknik 10 (2), pp. 83-88, 2009
Electrochemical processes for the formation of hydroxyapatite powders
A Nur, H Setyawan, A Widjaja, IW Lenggoro
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 9 (3), 168-175, 2014
Synthesis of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles with PEG 6000 and their potential application for adsorbent
F Fajaroh, ID Susilowati, A Nur
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 515 (1), 012049, 2019
An experimental and theoretical investigation of the formation of hydroxyapatite particles prepared by an electrochemical method
A Nur, H Setyawan
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 49 (2), 144-151, 2018
Bioetanol fuel grade dari talas (colocasia esculenta)
ER Dyartanti, EK Artati, A Nur
Ekuilibrium 8 (1), 1-6, 2009
Pengaruh Waktu Operasi Terhadap Karakteristik Char Hasil Pirolisis Sekam Padi Sebagai Bahan Pembuatan Nano Structured Supermicrosporous Carbon
YC Danarto, A Nur, ND Kuncoro
Pengaruh Waktu Operasi Terhadap Karakteristik Char Hasil Pirolisis Sekam …, 2010
Electrochemical synthesis of nanosized hydroxyapatite by pulsed direct current method
A Nur, A Rahmawati, NI Ilmi, S Affandi, A Widjaja
AIP Conference Proceedings 1586 (1), 86-91, 2014
Ekstraksi Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) dari Kulit Biji Mete
AC Cahyaningrum, T Setyowati, A Nur
Ekuilibrium 5 (1), 40-45, 2006
Effect of Heating on the Pretreatment Process for Recycling Li-Ion Battery Cathode
SU Muzayanha, CS Yudha, LM Hasanah, A Nur, A Purwanto
JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia) 4 (2), 105-114, 2019
Green hydrometallurgical route for recycling process of NCA cathode scrap
LT Gupita, A Purwanto, SU Muzayanha, A Nur, W Sutopo, A Jumari
AIP Conference Proceedings 2197 (1), 2020
Synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles using PEG template by electrochemical method
F Fajaroh, S Marfu’ah, A Nur
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1093 (1), 012022, 2018
The Current Density on Electrosynthesis of Hydroxyapatite with Bipolar Membrane
A Nur, A Jumari, AW Budiman, N Nazriati, F Fajaroh, JH Fariza, TL Anisa
MATEC Web of Conferences 156, 05015, 2018
Ekstraksi limbah hati nanas sebagai bahan pewarna makanan alami dalam tangki berpengaduk
A Nur, A Jumari, E Kwartiningsih
Ekuilibrium 4 (2), 92-99, 2005
Synthesis of nickel–hydroxyapatite by electrochemical method
A Nur, A Jumari, AW Budiman, AH Wicaksono, AR Nurohmah, N Nazriati, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 543 (1), 012026, 2019
Produksi dan Aplikasi Zat Warna Alami dari Kulit Kayu Mahoni dan Kulit Kayu Tingi untuk Batik di Desa Kuwiran, Kecamatan Banyudono, Kabupaten Boyolali
P Paryanto, A Nur, D Nurcahyanti
Jurnal Ilmiah Momentum 14 (2), 2018
Tin recovery from tin slag using electrolysis method
A Jumari, A Purwanto, A Nur, AW Budiman, M Lerian, FA Paramita
AIP Conference Proceedings 1931 (1), 2018
Improving lithium-ion battery performances by adding fly ash from coal combustion on cathode film
ER Dyartanti, A Jumari, A Nur, A Purwanto
AIP Conference Proceedings 1710 (1), 2016
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