Наталя Юріївна Шраменко; Наталья Юрьевна Шраменко; Natalya Shramenko; ORCID: 0000-0003-4101-433X
Наталя Юріївна Шраменко; Наталья Юрьевна Шраменко; Natalya Shramenko; ORCID: 0000-0003-4101-433X
Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Ukraine (ХНТУСГ)
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Effect of process-dependent parameters of the handling-and-storage facility operation on the cargo handling cost
NY Shramenko
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 5 (3 (77)), 43-47, 2015
Forecasting of overloading volumes in transport systems based on the fuzzy-neural model
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 311-320, 2019
Mathematical model of the logistics chain for the delivery of bulk cargo by rail transport
NY Shramenko, VO Shramenko
Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету, 136-141, 2018
Комерційна робота на транспорті
ЄВ Нагорний, НЮ Шраменко, ГІ Нестеренко
Харків, ХНАДУ, 2012
Mathematical modeling as a tool for selecting a rational logistical route in multimodal transport systems
O Pavlenko, D Muzylyov, N Shramenko, D Cagáňová, V Ivanov
Industry 4.0 Challenges in Smart Cities, 23-37, 2022
Logistics Optimization of Agricultural Products Supply to the European Union Based on Modeling by Petri Nets
O Pavlenko, N Shramenko, D Muzylyov
New Technologies, Development and Application III 6, 596-604, 2020
Choice of Carrier Behavior Strategy According to Industry 4.0
D Muzylyov, N Shramenko, M Karnaukh
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 213-222, 2021
Основи транспортно-експедиційного обслуговування підприємств, організацій та населення
ЄВ Нагорний, НЮ Черниш, ГЛ Рибанов
Development of technology of urban forwarding service of small consignment customers
A Markevych, N Shramenko, M Moroz
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science, 54-58, 2021
Methodological aspect of substantiating the feasibility of intermodal technology for delivery of goods in the international traffic.
NY Shramenko
Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, 2017
Methodology for evaluation of synergy effect in terminal cargo delivery system
NY Shramenko
Aktual'ni Problemy Ekonomiky= Actual Problems in Economics, 439, 2016
The principles of the choice of management decisions based on fuzzy logic for cargo delivery of grain to the seaport
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov, M Karnaukh
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (4.3), 211-216, 2018
Information and communication technology: case of using petri nets for grain delivery simulation at logistics system
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov, O Pavlenko
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 935-949, 2019
Транспортно-експедиторська діяльність
ЄВ Нагорний, ДВ Ломотько, НЮ Шраменко, ВС Наумов, ОВ Павленко
Blockchain technology in transportation as a part of the efficiency in industry 4.0 strategy
D Muzylyov, N Shramenko
Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes …, 2019
Integrated business-criterion to choose a rational supply chain for perishable agricultural goods at automobile transportations
D Muzylyov, N Shramenko, V Shramenko
International Journal of Business Performance Management 21 (1-2), 166-183, 2020
Methodology of costs assessment for customer transportation service of small perishable cargoes
N Shramenko, D Muzylyov, V Shramenko
International Journal of Business Performance Management 21 (1-2), 132-148, 2020
Комерційна робота на автомобільному транспорті
ЄВ Нагорний, НЮ Шраменко
Харків, ХНАДУ, 2010
Evaluation of the effectiveness of piggyback traffic in the context of creating transport and logistics clusters.
NY Shramenko
Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, 2017
Формування раціональної технології транспортно-експедиційного обслуговування вантажовласників у міському сполученні
НЮ Шраменко, ММ Мороз
Вісник Кременчуцького національного університету імені Михайла …, 2015
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